Special Chapter-My Doting Father

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(#I decided to put 2 special chapter before the end of vol 2(chapter 20)I'll update chapter 20 maybe next weekend or a little earlier...Thank you guys for keep cheering me up!!!!)
Kishiba P.OV

"Sigh*traffic jamed huh?"

I looked at the endless trail of cars Infront of me disappointedly.So I decided to make a phone call to Tajima.


[Yes Kishiba-sama?]

[Did Reiko and Yuudachi come out?]

[No sir.They're still in the school ]

[Good then i'll be there in a minute.]

[Yes sir.]

The trail of cars started to move slowly as soon as we ended the call.
It took me about half an hour to get to the school.There were no people infront of the school gate except my daughters and my butler waiting for me patiently when i arrived.

Reiko was leaning on her sister's shoulder and sleeping while Yuudachi was quietly reviewing her books.

"I shouldn't have let them waited for me.Ugh what am i evening doing!?"
I cursed myself quietly and walked to them quickly.

"I was going to make a call"[Tajima]

"Sorry.The traffic was unexpected."[Kishiba]


Yuudachi looked at me and showed me a sign to keep quiet.

"You're making her awake."[Yuudachi]

"I'm sorry.How long has she been sleeping?"[Kishiba]

"Quiet long.You know Tou-san,she sleeps alot since her resurrection,it's kinda cute actually."[Yuudachi]

"Ahaha~may be that's why you don't want to wake her up?"[Kishiba]

I laughed and patted Yuu's head.

"So how's your exam today?"[Kishiba]


"Sa~let's go.I'll carry her."[Kishiba]

Yuudachi nodded and lifted Reiko's head softly from her shoulder but Reiko woke up surprisingly.She rubbed her eyes and when i kneel down infront of her,she looked at me dazedly.


"Hello there.Are you awake?"(Kishiba)

"Not really waaah~"(Reiko)

"Here get on my back."(Kishiba)

Reiko threw her arms lazily around my neck.She then rested her head on my shoulder which made me smiled.

"Let's go Yuu,you and Reiko still have an exam tomorrow."(Kishiba)


I told Tajima to drove to the manor by himself.Then I put Reiko in the car's back and put a seat belt on her.After Yuudachi got on the car,I head my car direction to home.



I replied as lifted my head and saw Reiko
standing infront of me enthusiastically.

"I wanna eat spaghetti!"(Reiko)

I was currently in the reading room,reading my unfinished book relaxingly until she came.

"Go and order then.Don't forget to tell the restaurant that not to put too much chilli in it,you can't take spicy food."(Kishiba)

After giving a speech to her,I continued my reading.Soon,i noticed that she's still standing there so i lifted my head.

I was a cool guy until i got resurrected as a Girl!!!Where stories live. Discover now