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I think i ate too much last night. Now my stomach is hurting like hell. I get up from my bed slowly,trying not to move my belly much. Ah..what a great day to start with pain!!!


I walked slowly to the bathroom while held on my belly.And then i accidently slipped over a bag of doritos.


The shock of pain was too intense that my eyes were suddenly filled with tears.

I stayed still on the floor and couldn't move for minutes. It was so hurt that I couldn't even let out a sound anymore.

After the pain was no longer intense,I slowly crawled to the bathroom.Then I sat on the toilet by using all of my strength.

"Ha...I'm not gonna eat spicy noodles anymore~"(Reiko)

I released a sigh and took off my pantie...


And when i looked at my lower half..



"I never thought Rei would have a period."(Yuudachi)

"Well...she's a girl now."(Noriko)

Noriko cleared some hairs from Reiko's face. They hurridely came into Reiko's room as soon as they heard the shout.

When they got into the room,they found trail of bloods on the floor and panicked. Tajima followed the trail and opened the door with force. And there in the bathroom,they saw Reiko was panicked with the blood in her hands.

And then..she lost her consciousness.

It didn't take Noriko for long to realize what happened and changed Reiko's clothes and did all the other stuffs for.....
menstruation.After all,she's also a doctor.She retired from both witch and doctor after the incidence from 12 years ago.

Yuudachi gave her a help because Tajima couldn't help in this matter. He also shocked about the fact but camly moved her onto the bed.

"Should i contact Kishiba-sama?"(Tajima)

It was a weekend but Kishiba got a call from the board directors so he went to the company a while ago.All alone by himself and didn't take Tajima along with him because Tajima went out for shopping at that time.

"No,its just a period. You don't need to call him over that."(Noriko)

Noriko rolled her eyes at him. Tajima calmy bowed at her.

"I understand."(Tajima)

"I think her period is pretty intense."(Yuudachi)

Noriko fall into deep thought.The resurrection of her son was already abnormal from the start. She even had to argue with other witches at the trial along side with her mother.

[Speaking of which,Okaa-sama told me that she would come here today..]

Noriko held her head and let out a sigh.It could just be a normal period but why did i feel so worried?

Noriko looked at her daughter uncertainly.


"Haaah,we almost dead!!!"

"Ahaha,it was fun right,Maria?"

"Nooo,there's no fun Taki-kun!!!"

I was a cool guy until i got resurrected as a Girl!!!Where stories live. Discover now