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10 minutes later~

Apparently,my mom released me from a hug and sitting at the chair beside me while dad is gently holding her shoulders.My brother and sister are just standing silently.But they all looking at me with ease in their eyes.

I'm trying to calm my mind as possible as I can and ask my mom slowly...

"W-what j-just happened to me?"(Reita)

Ah!I think I can't calm down right now my voice is shaking.When my mom started to open her mouth,Dad told her to take a rest for now and he'll tell me instead...

Dad look at me and smiled me.His smile said that everything is okay now...I feels safe whenever he smiles like this...



"Listen died from heat stroke 3 days ago..."(Dad)

So i really did died huh...I thought myself...Dad looks at me to see if he can continue his word or not...

"Your mom...she-"(Dad)

"Wait...Dear~ let me talk this to her myself..."
Mom suddenly interuppted dad.
She then looked at me with a weak smile...

"Sweetheart~I...resurrected you...I'm a witch"(Mom)

Ofcourse you are a witch~wait!
what the F?

Looking at my confused expression...she continued her words

"All the women in my family's bloodline are witches therefore i can uses magic..."(Mom)


What is she talking about?I mean magic?is that even possible?but I can't deny that fact that i've alive again and yeah~turned into a girl as well...
Wait!I've to asked this!!!!

"Then...why am I turn into a girl!?"(Reita)

"(sign...) I used all my power to the extent of my life but the cost of the resurrection spell is too much!
I... made you alive again but without the perfect amount of's side effect somehow changed you into a girl...I'm sorry ...I can't change you back into the way you were before..."

I can't change back into the way I was before?That means I can never return to be a boy again and live my life as a girl for my entire's so frustrating!!Tears are started to welled in my eyes...

"Rei? are you crying?"(Yuudachi)

"This is all too sudden to me I-I don't know anymore[sniff]...should I be happy or mad at mom!?[sniff] I just-I just don't know...b-but I don't want to mad at mom...I don't know how I feels right now[sniff]"(Reita)

Mom hugs me again tightly...I couldn't keep it anymore...I cried...I cried infront of everyone...don't know why...


"It's okay sweetheart~you can cried.
you've been through a lot..."(Mom)

Nee-chan also hugs me and patting my back...

"Don't worry~Okay? Onee-chan will help don't have to be scared
besides,being a girl isn't that bad..."(Yuudachi)

Nii-san scrubbed my head and smiled at me cheerfully...

"Hey!!dumbass~why crying?
you're alive again,mom is ok...What can we ask for more~we just glad that you've come back to us...
Listen!no matter what happened,you will always be my liitle dumb brother(inside:or sister?maybe...),Okay?"(Katsuki)

I was a cool guy until i got resurrected as a Girl!!!Where stories live. Discover now