Chapter 18

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Sally POV :

I turned around to the source of the sound, but there was no one. The stranger that I still get to know, was making a tea for both of us.

I can see him putting to spoons of sugar in each cup, then mixing it together. He seems really a kind of guy, who likes tea.

I didn't have a cup of tea from a long time, aunt Lara or my mum always their dessert was a cup of coffee and some sweet.

They are so obsessed with coffee and of course I get to drink with them coffee too. Really my mother and aunt Lara are weird in doing there dessert preparations, after lunch.

The stranger finished doing the tea and then he gave  it to me and started drinking his.

"Sorry where is my manner, my name is Mathew and you?". He handed for me his hand to shake, I can see that his hand has lots of scars in it. I think it's from his work as a carpanter.

"Sally and thanks for letting me stay in your small cabin". I laughed a little and he also laughed.

"Actually I made this cabin by myself self, because I work a lot in landwood forest".

"So you are a carpenter then, I guess?". I really want to ask him that question, since I came in.

"Yes I have been working as a carpanter, for six years". That's why he's so talented in creating things.

"You might also guess, how I am talking to you normally". He really did read my mind.

"Yeah that's weird because I just got bumped to your house suddenly and from begging you were angry, then you became normal". I have never seen a person like that, when it comes to a stranger or theif getting to your house.

"Yes I know, I get in used a lot about these kind of situations, it's not a first time I find a stranger in my house or let's say... a theif".

" Landwood forests always happens in it stealing, especially for people who lives around here, but no worries I deal with it". It's hard to live In a forest, if I was in his place. I would die to death, by this cold weather in landwood.

"So what got you here suddenly, I think a girl like you should be in town". He said taking his cup of tea.

"I have been kidnapped, by a crazy serial killer". Just by remembering who he is, makes me sick of thinking about him.

"What you have been kidnapped!?". I was about to say something and then he stopped me.

"Who he is and what does he wants from you?!". I felt like the tea in his hands, was going to fall from him.

"Hey, hold on what got you so mad?". I looked to him in a frowning expression.

"Nothing... It's just.. That my sister she died few years ago".

"I am sorry.. I know maybe it shouldn't be the right time to ask you, but what happened, it's okay you don't have to say". Catching between my hands the warm cup of tea and for the first time I feel relaxed a little.

"No it's alright, I don't how it all happened, but she died in her room, I was coming back from school that time and I promised her to make for her a violin, so I did it for her and I wanted to give her to make her happy, then suddenly I heard her screaming, I ran fast to her room and found her laying dead on the floor ". Frist when he told me that, Mr. Hendricks came to my mind.

" How old was she? ". I asked curiosity getting into me, although I barely know him, but it seems that he had past in a hard times.

" She was around 8 years old that time, if she was alive, she could have played violin really well and became talented in it... She told me once when she will become a famous violinist, she will help dad and mum by money".Tears were running down  from his face a little.

Knowing that Mr. Hendricks did that to his sister, makes me really want to finish him. This teacher is an abnormal guy, he's crazy and he is mentally ill.

I have to find a away to finish all this.

"I can't believe what happened to her".

"Me ethier.. No knows why she died".He finished his cup of tea and turned to face me.

"Okay enough about my sister,now tell me what happened?"

"If I told you what happened, you will think I am crazy and you won't believe me, but what I am going to tell you, it has got something to do with your sister". I said to him in a sure way.

"Okay tell me so I get to know, that bastard who killed my sister". He sounded really angry, so I told him everything from the start, about how it all happened, how I get to know the killer.

"Wow, this guy is totally crazy.. Killing talented people especially who plays Violin, like why he does that?".

"That's what I am still trying to get to know". I stand up and looked around his place one more time, when I remembered that he made his sister a violin. An idea came to me.

"Matthew litshen, you told me you made violin for your sister, do you still have it?". I didn't really want to ask him, just to not get him upset.

"It's actually with my parents but I can do for you one, it will just take a day for me to make it". He stood up and looked happy to do something that includes his work.

A smile crept across my face, "Ok until you make it, I will think a way about how to stop the killer". He nodded, frist when we are about to head to the door. Someone knocked.

We looked at each other for a while thinking who might be knocking.

I grabbed Matthews hand and took him far from the door.

"Matthew it might be him searching for me, listen if it's him don't let him to control you be careful, he really can hypnotize a person in seconds". Whispering to his ear, as best as I can, he nodded in assurance.

"Don't worry, I will deal with him just hide anywhere, leave this up to me". I did as he said but also the place iam hiding in, I can see from far Matthew opening the door for the unknown person outside.

"Sorry for introupting you young boy, I am agent Alrik, I am searching for a girl her name is Sally, didn't see her anywhere close to your house?". Alright this is not going to pass easily.

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