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We sprinted after him as fast as we could, but the fog clouded us from seeing too far ahead. Where did he go? We should at least be able to hear his footsteps. Neither of us were quick enough, and Liam slammed into Scott. The two of them rolling down a steep hill.

"Scott!" I yelled out, chasing after them. Scott tried to hold him down, but Liam was too out of control, pinning his back down against the base of a tree.

"Liam!" I roared, tackling him in wet ground. We rolled for a few seconds before he raked my shoulder with his claws and shoving me back. I groaned, his claws ripping through my jacket and right through my skin.

"What did you do to me!" Liam demanded, managing to pin Scott back down. "This is your fault! It's all your fault!"

I grabbed my shoulder with my other hand, trying to get back up. Liam would've torn Scott to shreds if an arrow didn't shoot above them, sticking into the trunk of the tree. Sparks flew everywhere, and Liam took off fearfully.

The sparks spotted my vision for a moment, then I looked around for the shooter. I was expecting to see Evan, but the reality was much more disappointing. At the top of the hill was Argent with a crossbow.

I froze on the ground, expecting him to shoot at me next. But he didn't, he treaded down the slippery ground, and over to Scott. Scott looked just as surprised to see him, but he didn't look scared out of his mind like I was.

"How'd you know?" Scott asked.

"I got your text." Argent said, extending his hand down to him. He pulled Scott to his feet, then their eyes both landed on me. My heart was pounding, and Scott could see how scared I was.

Scott walked over, helping me off the ground, but my eyes didn't move from Argent. Or the large crossbow.

"There's a clearing just north of here." Argent said breaking the tension. "All you have to do is corral him there. The rest is taken care of."

"What are you gonna do?" Scott asks.

"He's your Beta, Scott." Argent answered. "The better question is what are you going to do?"

"He won't listen to me." Scott shook his head.

"He will if you start using your own words." He assured him. In the distance we heard Liam roaring in pain. Argent handed him a small control button. "Here, go."

Scott nodded, jogging past him. I stood there, hesitant to follow. Until Scott looked back confused. "Kara, come on."

My eyes flickered back to Argent. This was the first time I'd seen him since the night at the school, when we killed the Nogitsune. And even then I didn't stick around after it was over. I never even apologized before he'd left town.

"I..... I'm sorry." I struggle to speak, just his presence unnerving me. "For Allison- for everything...."

"Nous ne sommes responsables que de ce que nous contrôlons." He answered with an unexpected soft tone. It'd been a while since freshman french class, but I remembered enough to understand what he said.

We are responsible for only what we control.

"Go." He said again, looking back at Scott then me.

I felt more at ease, and sprinted past him towards Scott. Scott ran again once I caught up. We raced through the woods, Liam's cries providing a clear path for us to follow. Just as Argent said, there was a clearing up ahead.

Liam was trapped in a circle of emitters. The sound hurting my ears as well, Scott pushed the button, switching them off. Liam relaxed more, until he was no longer shifted. I stayed back while Scott slowly approached him, he needed to do this on his own.

Hunted ☾ TEEN WOLF {5}Where stories live. Discover now