The resurrection

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Till: well, there he is, risen from the dead like that guy, E.T
Flake: *weird snoring noise*
Richard: well, it's not all that bad, I mean, who needs a fifth of 50 million dollars anyway?
Schneider: ja, I'd rather have Flake than a fifth of 50 million dollars anyway
Oliver: it's great isn't it, how he just sits there and sleeps all the time
Paul: ja, it's really wonderful
Till: ....
I just realised, Flake has been asleep for 14 days-
Paul: you don't think he'd be dead again?
Richard: *crosses fingers*
please, I know that this is inhumane but please, I need that money
Oliver: oh Gott, look at this.
Schneider: oh mein Gott, he drank an entire bottle of Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze
Till: well, he's not dead, he's just in a deep state of sleep.
Right then, I'm off to the shops, you all should come with me, I need to buy some more floor polish
Paul: ja, we should probably get the same brand as last time
Richard: and we should get all different brands, just to try them out
Schneider: and we can leave them all over the house
Oliver: or keep them all in Flake's room, so they won't get lost
Flake: *wakes up
*looks at the door*
*raises middle finger*
fuck off

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