Grant unto him eternal rest

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Till: uhh, has anyone seen Flake lately?
Everyone: nein
Richard: have you checked his room?
Till: oh Gott nein, why would I ever go in there?
Flake: *is passed out in his chair*
Oliver: is he okay?
Schneider: oh, he's fine
Paul: uhh, guys, look at this
Richard: oh mein gott....
he found the floor polish
Till: Flake? Flake wake the fuck up. If this is a joke, it's not very funny
Oliver: Till, he doesn't look well, you should let me look at him
*checks his pulse*
Oh Gott...
Richard: was ist it Oli?
Oliver: He's dead!
Till: *shakes him*
Come on now, Flake. You aren't dead are you?
Oliver: He's very dead, he drank floor polish for Gott's sake!
Till: well, I'll call the doctor but to be quite frank I think you're making a big fuss over nothing!
Till: well, the doctor said that he's probably dead
Flake: *snores*
Till: oh well, he's not dead yet.
Well, Paul, I'm off to the shops, I need to buy more floor polish
Paul: oh, you should leave them all in Flake's room too, then they won't get lost-

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