chapter 9:Checkmate

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He was an idiot.

All Hermione wanted to do was finish her werewolf report but her boyfriend Ron kept being annoying.

She was so sick of him the report was due in 12 days!

She didn't understand why he didn't see the importance in doing assignments early and not at the last minute.

Sure he could be immature and stupid at times but there were also times where he was incredibly brilliant but now was not one of those times.

He kept asking her if she would play chess with him, she hated playing chess with him because he always won and he wasn't modest about it.

She really had to finish that report.

Ron was now sprawled out over the couch and just watching Hermione work on her report.

Ron said "Hermione, could you please play chess with me you've been working on that report forever could you take a break?.

Hermione said "NO Ron I can't take a break I have to finish this report don't you understand that?".

Ron said "Yes of course I understand but sometimes you need to take a break".

Hermione just decided to ignore him and she continued to work on her paper.

About 5 minutes later Ron was gazing intently at her and she felt her face turn pink and she said "Can I help you?".

Ron said "Please?".

Hermione groaned and said "All right just one round".

Ron said "You're the best". He placed a gentle kiss on her lips and said "I love you".

Hermione smiled softly and said "I love you too".

She followed him to the table where the chess board was and they both sat down on opposite sides.

Hermione knew he had a plan if he had been asking her this much about chess.

They played the game for a while and then Ron said out of nowhere "Did I mention how much I'm in love with you, you are so beautiful and intelligent".

Hermione blushed and smiled at him. She loved Ron.

Ron was winning the game of course and Hermione was just about to go back to her report when Ron said "Hermione I have something to you, if you just move your queen piece to the right to take my king".

Hermione started "Ron".

Ron said "Hermione I've been in love with you since 2nd year but I didn't know until 6th year you mean the whole world to me yes I know I'm immature sometimes but you are my everything I love you so much I know I must so annoying to live with but I want to spend the rest of my life with you growing old, watching and reading muggle books I want to love you until my very last breath".

Hermione with happy tears in her eyes and a smile on her face moved her queen piece to the right and she saw the most beautiful diamond ring.

She whispered "Checkmate".

Ron said "Hermione will you marry me".

Hermione said "Yes".

He slid the ring on her finger and the two embraced and shared a sweet kiss.

He said "I love you".

Hermione said "I love you too Ron".

They embraced each other forever they were  just happy to be together.

Hermione said "I can't believe we are going to be married".

Ron said "Me either". 

They kissed again for a long while before leaning their foreheads to against each other.

Hermione thought to herself maybe Ron wasn't such an idiot after all.

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