chapter 14 He noticed

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Hermione Granger was in love with Ron Weasley.

Hermione wasn't one for coming to touch with her feelings but when she saw Ron and Lavender snogging she knew that she had fallen hard for Ron Weasley.

Hermione was so upset and jealous by this that she avoided Ron completely and didn't even talk to him. She was so heartbroken she had wanted to go to Slughorn's Christmas party with Ron and then tell him about her feelings but all of that was ruined now since Ron started dating Lavender.

She had a bunch of homework to do but she couldn't focus cause all she could think about was Ron snogging Lavender which made her blood boil.

She was trying to concentrate on her homework in the Gryffindor common room when Ron and Lavender came in snogging. Hermione glared at them and took her homework in her dormitory.

She actually got some work done but then she got distracted again so she put her homework aside and walked around her bed, she looked at her dresser and saw the perfume that Ron had gotten her for her 15th birthday, she also saw pictures of her and Ron with Harry which made her happy. She picked up the perfume and put some on. Hermione only used this perfume during special occasions cause she didn't want to use it all up.

She went back down to the common room after she had finally finished her homework she was going to go sit on the couch but then she saw Ron who she was still avoiding so she turned to go back upstairs but she bumped into one of the chairs which alerted Ron that Hermione was in the room.

Ron turned around and said "Hermione?".

Hermione said "Hi Ron".

Ron said "Are you avoiding me I haven't seen you in weeks".

Hermione lied and said "No of course not I've had a lot of homework recently".

Ron said "Hermione I know you're lying". He then sighed and said "Why are you avoiding me".

Hermione said "I don't know Ronald".

Ron said "You know you could sit down".

Hermione said "Ok I'm coming".

Hermione went and sat down next to Ron she pretended to be mad at him but it was really hard considering how much she liked him.

Ron said "Look Hermione I'm sorry".

Hermione said "You're not sorry if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it".

Ron said "I really am sorry I mean I'm not a mind-reader".

Hermione said "It was so obvious that I had feelings for you I don't know what was so hard about that".

Ron said "It was not obvious I've liked you since 2nd year and I've been waiting on you forever".

Hermione said "Waiting on me are you serious right now Ronald I made it obvious, remember in fourth year when I went to the ball with Viktor Krum?".

Ron said "Yeah of course I remember".

Hermione said "I stalled him 3 times hoping that you would ask me".

Ron said "I was going to ask you but I got way too insecure". Ron continued on by saying "If you were into me you should've said something when I was available".

Hermione said "You're right we should have just told each other straight up that we had feelings for each other".

Ron said "Yeah but it's too late now".

Hermione smiled sadly and said "Yeah".

Ron said "I'm gonna go to bed goodnight Hermione".

Hermione nodded and said "Goodnight Ronald".

Ron started going off to bed but then he turned back and gave Hermione a big hug and she hugged him back warmly before letting go.

Ron said "Oh and by the way I like the perfume it smells nice".

He winked at Hermione causing her to blush and then he went off to bed.

Hermione smiled and thought to herself and said "He noticed".

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