Chapter Twenty Three

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And that's how the second week of our relationship went. It may seem too soon to have done any of this but we were beyond getting to know each other as people. We'd done that for nearly ten years. Now, we were getting to know each other in a whole other way and I loved every second of it!

During the week it was easy because our parents were always at work, so our houses were empty. On the days Greg was with me and my dad, we stayed at her house all day. We explored every inch of each other, finding something new and sweet each time. But still, my favorite part of her body was that crescent moon birthmark on her shoulder. No matter where my hands or eyes roamed, they always came back to that one spot.

"I think I know the sexiest part of your body," I said one afternoon as we laid entangled in her bed.

"Hmm, and what's that?" she asked, resting her chin on my chest as she looked up at me.

"Your birthmark," I said, tracing it with my finger, "Reminds me that the stars aren't so impenetrable as we may think. That sometimes they land amongst us. And as long as we pay attention, we may get lucky enough to grasp a hold of one."

She just looked at me, stunned. "Damn, dude, get philosophical, why don't ya." She playfully smacked me as she came up to kiss me. She rested her head back on my chest and swirled her finger around on my skin. "Niall..."


"What do we do when you leave?"

"What do ya mean?"

"When you leave for this show? I know there's no guarantees how long you'll be there, and I do hope you're there til the end, but I'm also going to miss ya, and don't know what's going to happen with us."

I looked down at her and could see the worry in her face. "Nothing's going to happen to us. I'm going to win this thing and you and I are out of here, just like we planned."


"Siobhan, I want to win this thing so badly, for both of us. I tried to get you to audition, but for whatever reason you shot it down which is ridiculous because you're a billion times better than me. But, I also know that right here, right now is home. No matter how far I get in this competition, I'm coming back for you."

She softly smiled at me but still looked unsure. I couldn't say I blamed her. I wanted to win this thing, I really did, but my own insecurities made me feel like I'd be gone for a couple of days at most. That I wouldn't get beyond boot camp.

"Niall, you're going to do great. Don't doubt yourself. You'll always have me in your corner, cheering the loudest, whether I'm physically there or not."

I slid down the bed a little to be face to face with her. Her blue eyes pulling me in. A feeling of desperation rushed through my body. I was suddenly scared of losing her if I left. I grabbed her face and brought her lips to mine, kissing her with a force I didn't know I had. I needed to let her know in however many ways I could that I was hers.

She giggled a little as I began kissing her neck and shoulders, "Somebody ready for round 3?"

"Mmhmm," I said, as I continued kissing down her body. "Round 3, here we go!"

And just like that, another week flew by.

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