The Day My Life Changed

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Liza Yamamoto, a 23 years old half Spanish half Japanese aspiring psychologist that graduated from the University of Barcelona.

She's very popular for curing some of the hardest cases of drug addiction, depression, and the field that she specialises with the most, wars and shocks post-traumatic disorders.

Liza is known for her very likeable, sweet and cheerful personality. She's very humane and sensitive towards others. She's also very smart and really good at noticing small details about people and their behaviours. Unfortunately, liza's parents have been in huge debt that they could never pay off working all their lives, this has made liza's life in constant danger.

Liza P.O.V

Having just finished visiting the clinic and dealing with some patients, I walk through the streets of Barcelona with my head in the clouds, thinking about every way I could help my parents with their debt.

not only that... But my life and all my family's life is in constant danger.

I walk to the place I'm most comfortable and familiar with to clear my head, my favourite library. I take my favourite psychology book and sit in my usual place.

Just across of me I spot the same guy that I seem to be seeing every time I come here. He has dark hair, beard and glasses on, he looks very nerdy and quiet, but also very smart. He also has the same coat every single time I see him. I stare at him for a while and he looks up at me, I flash him a gentle smile and he waves at me shyly.

After an hour, I stretch back in my chair, my phone starts vibrating and I'm forced to pick up.

"Hey mum what's the matter is everything OK," I say with a worried cracked voice

"liza, your frienhasve gave us a good amount of money just before those men we owe came knocking on our door, we gave it to them and they left us alone for now," said my mum happy.

I get very confused about who this "friend" is.
"But mum, who's this person how did he look like! Did he give you his name" I said very confusedly.

"he's wearing a long coat, dark hair, beard and glasses on, but he refused to give his name and simply said that you know him, OK now darling I need to go take care"

I looked up slowly to look at the man right across of me, the description mum gave seems to be matching this mysterious man I always see. He gave me a smile, got up his chair and approached me.

"hey how are you doing liza, do you please have a moment to talk outside? "

very shyly I nodded my head and went out with this man. We walked until we found a seemingly empty place fitting for a deep secret conversation.

"I'm so sorry if I creeped you out or something, I hope you are not having the wrong idea about me," he said nervously. I could tell that this man was full of secrets and mystery, he also seemed to be very shy and awkward around people, especially women.

"oh no, not at all, I've seen you so much in the library you are almost like a... Um like a familiar friend now" I said with a smile. "your mum have just told you about me, I'm sure you figured out it was me" he said.

"yea but I'm very surprised as to how you knew my house... How you knew my name and the problem that I'm dealing with" saying carefully.

"well you see you are popular, and I... I don't wanna sound like a creep, but I've done some research about your history"
he said looking around to see if there's anyone and suddenly he gets close and serious.

"liza I know you, you are very sweet, but you are suffering, your family is suffering and I know that you would do anything to protect them. I'm here to offer this opportunity to you so please trust me and hear me out"

all while he said this I was staring right into his eyes, my heart raced quickly.

I'm very close to solving my family's problems forever. I could finally make my mum and dad happy, I could pay for their medical treatment, help my siblings go to the best university.

overall make everything better, but I also knew that this won't come easily, and it might force me to commit stuff that isn't OK with my morals, but I wanted to give it a try and see.

I nodded my head after a while and he smiled back at me

"liza. Believe me, we aren't the bad guys, and I promise you that we will not hurt Any innocent people if everyone sticks to the plan, but once you agree now, there's no going back you understand me?"

I look up to the sky, take a big breath and think deeply, I go into the state of mind I go to when I'm about to make a very important decision. I look back at him and I nod, he gets happy and shakes my hand.

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