#12 Secret Hideout

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The rest of the day went well, no ups and down. I have not told Richard anything even though I promised to. "Ham and Cheese for you?" Richard asked, as we started to queue once we entered the cafeteria.

After a painstaking long wait, it was finally lunch time! My stomach grumbled shamelessly. Right, I don’t remember having breakfast this morning. Look at me; don’t I look like a total klutz? I stifled cold laugh at my stupidity.

I scanned the area. The cafe was in its usual modus operandi. Jocks and cheerleaders seated in the middle of the block. This rigid seating arrangement has trended around schools here in a way it has even became a tradition for the middle block to be infested with 'it-people'. Sorcery! The block, somehow, was thought to be made of gold, silver, whatever. Now, I was being really sarcastic. You sense the hate here? Unlike the middle block, the blocks on the left and right are mostly populated by the not so popular people like me and Joey, mostly scattered with different cliques.

I stared at that spot and spotted Joey sitting at the unnoticeable spot cafeteria. Ironic right? Nah, I mean. It was our secret hideout. So naturally I looked at the table there first.

It was really nice place, probably my favourite places here in Roosevelt High. The table is flawlessly obscured with cherry blossom trees. The trees smell of dew, and the whole place is lit up by the cheerful shade of green in the leaves of the trees. Its extraordinary vicinity induces its secretive aura, evoking a trace of mystery. It was just the perfect place for me. Besides Joey, I have never showed it to anyone.

As I pulled out of my reverie, I put up my hand, about to gesture that I was going over to Joey. Wait a minute… why was Bryson walking towards Joey? He wasn’t supposed to know.

Surprised and feeling a sense of betrayal, I tapped on Richard, mumbling some quick words carelessly under my breath as I quickened my steps towards Joey and Bryson.. That girl...She had some explaining to do! 

Don’t tell me it was another tactic Joey is using to pair us up?

“Hey Bryson,” I plastered a careless smile on my face and dragged Joey by her left sleeve, pulling her away from the table, so we could talk.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I whispered with effort, keeping my voice low.

“I’m creating opportunity!”  Joey retorted, strongly yet softly, if that was even possible.

Now I’m totally speechless about this girl. Can she be so desperate for me? Only met Bryson for a few times and now he gained access to our secret hideout. So if there was any development he was going to gain access to my bedroom as well? I really do not know what to say about this girl.

Is she going overboard? Should I tell her how I felt about Bryson already?

“Barabarababababa!” My phone rung impatiently, I jumped dramatically as I felt the anxious jerk in my pocket I fumbled with the rectangular piece of metal. Yes, I go for weird ringtones like this. I’m weird okay ignore me.

It’s Richard.

 I answered the phone without hesitation. “Hey, where are you?” he asked, patiently. I stared at Bryson and Joey, knowing Joey would find a stupid excuse to leave for some alone time for Bryson and me. So I told Richard how to get here, to make things less awkward.

More like, to destroy her evil schemes.

Ugh, I guess now it was the four of us who knows.

As I saw Richard run over, panting, I tried to greet him warmly.

“Hey.” My voice trailed off, shivering. Obviously my attempt was futile. In fact,  I have never noticed how different I talked to him while looking into those mesmerizing eyes of his, and how I talked to him on the phone.

When I talk to him on the phone, I seem at ease. I can say whatever I want without feeling a thing. However, when I face him, I appear to be more nervous than usual. White knuckles, clenched jaws, and sweaty palms from seeing him. How could this be?

I shook the absurd train of thoughts in my head away and jolted back to reality.

You should be asking, but I was supposed to be hungry right? Where’s my food?

Don’t worry. I’ve got it prepared.

“This place is lovely! Here you go, it’s on me.” Richard complimented the place as he passed me one of the two chicken sandwiches in his hand. Yeah, I got him to buy for me. Sure enough, this place was likeable enough. 

Mumbling my prayer of thanks, I took the chicken sandwich from him. As I did so, my hand brushed his. It sent tingles on my hand. I jerked a little, not expecting the touch to feel this magical. We proceeded to join Joey and Bryson on the table.  

“And then Mr Joe was like, I can’t take this anymore!” I heard Joey say as she tried hard to finish her sentence bursting with laughter. This fella seemed to be having fun with Bryson..

Not again, another random thought.

As Richard and I sat on the table, Joey stopped her epic laughing to look at me, giving me a knowing look. They looked like they were trying to say, “See, you brought him too.”

I plastered another fake smile at her, feeling inexpressible awkwardness in me.

Joey can make me this speechless at times.

"Hey," Bryson greeted at my arrival. 

I returned his greeting with a warm smile, turning to Richard and accidentally saw him shooting stares at Bryson with his eyes. 

Wait, shooting stares?

"This place is cool," Bryson commented lowly, much to my displeasure. Told you we didn't have much in common. His words were not filled with as much passion as Richard's.

Comparing the comments, Richard's was better. 

Wait, the comment sounds.. Familiar. But who did I hear it from? I wondered for a bit. I realized I enjoy daydreaming. 

"Yeah," I replied simply, not so interested in continuing the conversation. Since.. Let’s just say I don't take disagreements well. 

After my reply, they did not utter anymore words. Until, Joey finished her baked potato and turned to Bryson asking softly, “Ready to go?" 

Bryson nodded approvingly, then bid me farewell, "See you later."

Where were they going? Oh yes, gotta stay back for club later. This would be the first time Bryson attends the activities! 

They then left after disposing their trash at the nearby bin, leaving Richard and I to be alone. 

After a few moments, I remembered what I had to say in the morning in the car. Just so much has happened. It was strange how it felt so long ago.. 

"Richard regarding.. uh..last night.." I stuttered nervously trying to bring this taboo subject up. We were fine before that! But I guess I had to get it clear.

"Yeah?" he asked as he turned to look up and faced me, flashing a smile. It was funny how he acted like nothing happened. Well, maybe it wasn't that much to him..

"Nothing," I was a coward. Too bad I lacked the courage to mention anything. How awkward would it be if he thought it was nothing? And here I am trying to clarify? Besides, I may regret it. Since we're still good friends isn't it? 

This is weird. Everything around me starts spinning faster. It is getting so complicated...

A/N Song of the day: I Run To You by Lady Antebellum. 

Don't know why, just felt like it was a good song for you to listen.

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