#17 Trump Card

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I think this is a sweet chapter! Don't worry there's no cliffhanger cos I'm uploading another one. I'm such a dear ^^ ADMIT IT :p anyway, comment your font! Getting sick of my font I wanna change it. :) So suggestions maybe? Omg another long author's note. Check out this short story I've written, "Right Here Waiting" in my wall. Enjoy! :)

#17 Trump Card

I woke up in my bed the second day, without the help of the alarm. I guess I was really tired the night before because I actually fell asleep right away. That explains why I’m up at 6 in the morning.

Folding my blanket and doing my bed, I walked over to my boring wardrobe like I always do to dress. Follow my heart? Mom’s words rings in my head again. What does my heart want? I was certain that I didn’t want to be related to the in-crowd in anyway, but I wasn’t sure if my heart beats for him. So this was what my heart wanted me to do? Turn him down? I thought that it was selfish, but I don’t have the confidence of bringing him happiness, or if I’d be happy if I did so. I stared at the mirror and told myself, “It could have been a joke. As he said, take it easy.” I shrugged. Even if I knew he meant i shouldn't be so hard on the door but still...

I did my routine, doll myself a little. Picked normal tee and wore it. I ran downstairs to have breakfast that I knew my mom would make. It was a nice feeling to know that. At least I don’t have to eat poorly done sandwiches I made on my own, with little or maybe none nutritional value.

Richard is probably still sleeping right now; I didn’t want to be late. That was why I decided to pay a visit.

“Good morning Aunt Katherine,” I greeted warmly Richard’s mother as she opened the gate for me.   “Is Richard awake? He got pretty wasted last night, so I thought I should wake him up since you weren’t around when I sent him back.” I explained clearly.

“You’re early, sweetie. He’s still asleep. How about you go wake the lazy bum.” Aunt Katherine joked. Katherine was very open to new ideas. You see, that was why we were allowed movie nights, I didn’t mind telling her that Richard was wasted last night.

After she said, I walked to the Richard’s room familiarly, since I’ve visited it for a lot of times. As I entered Richard’s room, he still looked the way I left him last night, in the same sleeping position, blankets unmoved.

I walked over, closer to his bed. I jerked his shoulders- since his arms were hidden under the blankets. As I shook him, I said, “Richard, wake up. It’s time for school.” It reminded me of the times when..

“Richard! Get up, it’s time for school.” I nudged Richard on the couch. It was the time before Richard owned a car when we had to wake up super early every morning to catch the bus at the bus stop that was a 15 minute walk from my house.

“I want to sleep,” Richard yawned lazily as he turned his back against me so I wouldn’t shake him. “Wake up!” I reiterated, jerking on the shoulder more violently. “iwanttosleep.” Richard said in a blur, his words not even making sense. He pulled his covers up to cover his face entirely.

“Come on, if not I would play my trump card!” I threatened. “No you don’t!” Richard screamed as he bargained. “Then wake up!” I threw a pillow at him. He still refused to get his butt off his bed.

“5…4…” I began counting down. He still stayed in bed refusing to budge. “3…2…”I continued. Just as I was going to play the trump card, he jumped up and pulled me down to the bed, then pinned me down.

He tickled me almost endlessly; all I could do was to laugh, because the funny feeling would not stop. “Don’t coerce me!”

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha!” I laughed so much I was out of breath. I gasped for air, before I die due to suffocation, and then blushed because I realized he was straddling me. It really looked wrong. I spaced out momentarily because of the moment of realization. He made use of my spacey moment, continued to tickle me harder, now my sides.

“Stop stop stop! Please!” I begged frantically. “I won’t force you happy?” I added to reassure him and also to convince him to stop the itchy torture.

 Tickle tickle! He did not stop despite my sincere pleas. Jerk! I tried to dodge by putting up my arm in a defensive position. I struggled hard, but since he was straddling me there was no way I could turn the situation around.

And so, his trump card is tackled with my master, and he faced, with grand victory.  You must have wondered what my trump is, it was rather lame actually, I was going to blow air in his ears, and so he would itch and shiver. I’m not sure why this action had effect on him, because it was merely blowing air into his ears gently. Who cares how lame it is as long as it works, isn’t it?

We knew each other’s weaknesses. I knew he was vulnerable and he knew I was sensitive to well, tickles.

Soon we were both tired- I was tired of struggling and he was tired of tickling me through the struggles. Due to exhaust we ended up lying on the bed and falling asleep. That was the first time I slept beside him in fact. Anyway, as anyone would have expected, we were late for school. When we woke up again we had already missed first period. Thank the lords that first period was Gym, or as the idiots insist on calling it ‘Physical Education’. Yup, I’m learning a lot more than useless skills of running, pull ups, sit ups, standing board jump. I know when I work, I would totally need to run my way to work, jump around in the office, utilise my strong stomach muscles while drinking coffee. But that day I thanked the period profusely. It was for the fact that, my gym teachers (whoops I meant physical educators) put in all their efforts conducting the lessons. So much so they stand at a corner, gesture to each other, and not even watching what’s going on. I know I know they are totally such whole-hearted teachers devoted to teaching.

I jolted back to the reality after the too-long-for-my-own-good rant about the subject, “Physical Education” and its usefulness. Reality equals, the fight didn’t even exist, and will not occur, because Richard has sat up, wide awake, two eyes staring into mine, with a confused look, the look which I ignored.

“Come on. Get ready,” I said to him. He had this gawk on his face you can’t wipe off his face in the morning when he just woke up. It was only when he splashed water-yeah you heard me; splash- on his face that his face would turn from an innocent gawk to a shameless smirk. ‘Sorry to say, but I disliked his smirk, even though he considered it his ‘signature move’.

He stood up zombified (yep I made that up because I have no idea how you spell it), and then walk to the washroom at a very, and I meant very, slow pace. Like, turtle speed, literally.

I guess I would leave him to wash up and all, wait downstairs or something for him to be his old self again. No wait, I meant after-you-get-hyper self. He just looks a little emo this way, or even, a little cute. I might add.

I left the room once he shut the washroom door in his room to do whatever he does in the toilet. Yes, I do know a lot about him, but I don’t ever ask what he does in the toilet. I mean, eww, who does that? You, maybe? Haha I’m joking. 

I went downstairs to see Katherine preparing breakfast for Richard; I see that she had prepared three sets. “Uncle Brian is at home?” I addressed Richard’s dad as Uncle Brian since I wasn’t so close to him, to you know, address him by his name like a friend.

“No, sweetie, it’s for you.” Katherine said with a warm smile. However I ate before I came so I didn’t think I could take more. I shook my head politely to turn her down. “I ate before I came.” I said softly. “But I know what to do with it.” I answered with a little smirk. I knew just what to do. 

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