#16 Follow Your Heart

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  • Dedicated to To The Beautiful Chicken :)

A treat for you, 3 updates in a night! Mainly because I've completed the book. Yay me :) 

In return someone reply me if they want a sequel to this story :p  quite like this chapter. A shoutout to Tanya the Chicken for helping me with this chapter!

Ps: she suggested putting grenade into Richard's pants which is totally helpful :p

#16 Follow Your Heart

“Do not get involved with the in-crowd then, if you don’t like them.”

Gabe’s sentence is still ringing in my head. He made sense, and I decided that was exactly what I was going to do.

When I found Richard by the walkway on the second floor after going through a massive searching attempt, he was so drunk he could barely walk. His breath reeked of the stench of alcohol. He’s been drinking, a lot.

So I was the designated driver. I rummaged his pocket for the car keys. Front pocket no, it has to be at the back. I groaned. Now I have to flip him over.

“Buddy,” I addressed, as I begin to turn him. “Make my life easier okay?” I asked, rather rhetorically.

“Eee…yah. Yes, got it.” I made weird sounds as I exerted force. He turned obediently like a boat which capsized. I picked him up and walked him to the car. I was drowsy and tired when we reached the car.

Once I swerved into the lane, pulling the car to a halt, I leaned over. “Richard, we’re home.” He didn’t wake up so I looked at the front, driving the car into Richard’s yard meticulously. I wasn’t that good at parking. I didn’t want to squash his innocent plants too. He already had pathetic plants.

“Richard? Wake up.” I said, as I nudged him, jerking his arm. He gradually woke up, and stared right into me.

He turned serious-faced suddenly, and then he muttered slowly, “I like you.”

Of course he likes me.. We’ve known each other since forever; he’s my best guy friend.  If not what, he thinks that I thought he dislikes me the whole time? I laughed at the thought.

“Fool, of course you like me as a friend. I like you too.” I returned.

“Really?” a faint smile flickered across his face. He still looked tipsy. I nodded with a smile; he could be this cute when he’s drunk. “I meant, that way.” Richard continued. What way?

“What way?” I said, but I immediately regretted because I instantly knew what he meant. Richard wanted to explain but I cut him off, saying, “C’mon let’s get you back to bed. You are very drunk.” To say I was caught off guard was an understatement. I never had expected him to say. Was it really what I thought? Why me? No he must be too drunk so he’s blabbering nonsense. Nice joke bro, I still think it is unbelievable.

Somehow his confession gave me a different feeling. Bryson’s confession felt kind of… casual. You know, the feeling that he was serious, but you could just shrug it off, pretend you forgot about it. His confession was, unserious but you can’t just think it was a joke. The tone was unserious yet I thought maybe deep down he was speaking from his heart. What the hell?

We walked to Richard’s room from the yard after I locked the car with the car keys. The short walk from there to his room was seriously the most laborious journey I’ve ever been on. No lie. He could barely stand, so I basically dragged him all the way, with one of his arms around my shoulder, another one hanging freely.  I held his arm that was on my shoulder as well as his waist. That’s it; he was basically ‘fastened’ securely on me. Now it was time to move on. On the whole way he has been saying that he wanted double chocolate chip cookies that I baked. Wow I really didn’t know what is going on in his head. In the middle he wanted to puke so I had to put him down on the ground leaning against the sofa, and then sprang into action, run to his nearest bin, and pick it up in my hands then run back before he accidentally pukes on his couch. However when I reached it was too late, he had already puked on his couch.

I made a mental note that I had to clean up his mess later. His parents were not at home again. I guess they have been working too much lately. Glancing at the clock hung on the wall, I realised it was nearly 11. After he puked I dragged him back to bed. Going up the stairs was literally the hardest part of the journey. We almost stumbled upon on a step and if I hadn’t grabbed the railing we would have lost our balances totally and roll down the stairs.

Then finally I survived the ordeal. You don’t know how relieved I felt when the image of his room door entered my sight. I pushed the door open violently. “Hey take it easy!” Richard exclaimed suddenly. Oh wow he’s sober now.

I ignored his comment. Then I lay him down, gently. No, I won’t be so harsh towards a drunken dude. So he obediently allowed me to put him down but his body weight pulled me towards him. Then he wrapped his arms around me. And that was why I’m currently on top of him, enjoying his embrace for a short while. 

However reality has to bring me back. I struggled and broke free, away from his tight embrace. I straightened him on the bed. He still had his shoes and socks on. I took them off for him. He had his belt on. Should I help him take it off so he sleeps more comfortably? I shook my head. Nah, he’ll do this way. Switching on the air-conditioner for him, I pulled the blankets and allowed it to cover his body. He had a blissful look on his face I knew he had already fell asleep after he made that comment. I smiled and mumbled, “Sleep tight.” I couldn’t fight the urge, so I leaned forward to give him a peck on the cheek, before turning off the lights and left the room.

I was beat when I reached the living room. I picked up a cloth from the kitchen, and thought about his confession, then about Gabe. What do I do if he was actually being serious?

“Do not get involved with the in-crowd then, if you don’t like them.”

Do I really like Richard? I’m not sure about it. What I’m sure is I wanted to stay out of the in-crowd. After clearing the mess and rinsing the cloth, I walked over to my house, further down the lane. That was why I didn’t notice the lights being turned on when I drove in. Mom must be home.

“Mom?” I yelled across the room after locking the door behind me. She was sitting on the dining table with her laptop on. She had her headphones on probably listening to some oldies she liked. She’s working, again. As she saw me she pulled out her earpiece like what I did previously. Sure, like mother like daughter.

“You’re back.”

“You’re back.”

We said simultaneously. I could have jinxed her for that I guess she’s my mom I shall just let it pass.

“Jinx! You owe me.” My mom exclaimed. Wow mom, I really can’t judge you. I nodded in defeat as a smile crept up my face.

“Anything troubling you?” she sure was sharp. She could read me like a book, couldn’t she?

“Yeah,” I nodded, then told her about tonight, as well as the night we kissed, Gabe’s words.. Basically everything. Having a heart-to-heart-talk with your mom? Rare.

Once she knew everything she understood that I was confused whether I liked Richard or not. All she said was, “Follow your heart, dear.” And then she made me go to sleep.

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