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How can I be excited, it's high school. Or what I like to call it, the circus where I'm the main event. I sighed dragging myself out of bed. Another year of humiliation, broken dreams and disappointment all waiting for me on the other side of the front gates of school. I slowly got ready. The usual pair of blue jeans, a simple tee and a baggy sweater. I quickly tossed my hair into a bun and went to brush my teeth. No use in dolling up when I know for a fact I'm going to get criticized.

"Linh! Let's go, we're going to be fucking late!" Derek yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed my book bag. "Why are you so eager to get to school?" I asked looking at my brother who was dragging Jase out of his room, "because sister dearest, unlike your complaining ass, I actually enjoy school and people." Jase laughed a little too hard at Derek's remark which kind of pissed me off. Screw them.

We finally pulled into the semi-full parking lot of Wakefield High, home of the good ol' wolves. That's when I felt the knot in my stomach tighten and my hands went cold- crap. One of my friends stood at the front of the gate waiting for someone. I shouldn't think of him any more than just a friend but damn he was gorgeous. He had these deep brown eyes that just make you melt inside and his smile, oh my goodness his smile, it was so breath taking. "Earth to Linh, get out of my car!" Derek yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and got out of the car as quick as I could. I put my head down as I briskly walked past people avoiding their sneer comments.
"Linh?" I looked up and was face to face with those deep brown eyes. "Um hi Hunter," I managed to squeak. I felt my face get hot, geez why am I so awkward. "Where've you been? I feel like you avoided me all summer!" he chuckled pulling me in for a hug. I adjusted my glasses when he let go, "oh um I've been at home, I guess. I mean we did hang out a couple times." Hunter's been my friend since we were four, why am I still not comfortable around him? "Well you owe me! You have to hang out with me all this year! No if, ands or buts," he laughed as he nudged me a bit. My cheeks were still hot, ugh he doesn't even know how ok I am with that.
Classes went by tantalizingly slow. And of course, each passing block I was given my daily dose of sneers. Girls would say things like 'ew, what is she wearing?' or 'do you think she ever tries to lose weight?' and a lot of 'how is it that she's that fat and ugly when her brothers are overly attractive?' I sighed ducking my head as I walked carefully to the library for lunch. When I reached for the door knob I was pushed into. "ugh honestly fat ass watch it! You could've killed me!" Tracy Mathews spat. She's never liked me, I didn't even do anything to her. I reached out my hand to help her up but she swatted my hand away, "as if. Don't even touch me." She stood up, dusted herself off and turned to walk away. Snooty bitch.

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