Home Of The Good Ol' Wolves

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I woke up early this morning anxious. Not about going to school but being able to have Paisley at school. And maybe because it's senior year. I haven't unpacked any of my clothes yet so I started pulling out random stuff. I jumped into the shower, humming along to my music playing, I continued to get ready, brushed my teeth, put my contacts in, combed out curls allowing them to loosen and applied some makeup. I dried off and just threw on clothes. I had on my faded high wasted denim shorts and a creme pull-over long sleeved sweater. I checked myself in the mirror, wow two years. Two years of finally getting myself into shape, finally making myself happy with my body.

"Sis, make sure you get-, oh well looks like you're already ready," Jase laughed when he walked into my room, "Derek said we're leaving in 20." I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my book bag. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing an apple for later, "mom have you seen my shoes?" I asked looking for my white converses. "Umm check the basket, I think they're the pair that fell out of one of your bags last night," mom said pointing to the laundry room with the basket of shoes. I quickly looked and found them, "thank you mama!" Derek and Jase finally came down, I tossed them each a water bottle, "let's go dearest brothers," I laughed walking out the door.

"I like this new positive attitude of yours," Derek laughed at me, "you're not as grumpy, we probably should have sent you earlier." I shook my head, "what college are you at now Derek?" Jase interrupted, "he's at UCLA, you missed the day we helped him move in, he cried like a baby!" Derek reached over to the front passenger seat to punch a hysterically laughing Jase, "it was priceless to see him cry! He was even crying about how you weren't there!" I giggled, "aww I'm sorry I couldn't go, but I knew you guys would miss me!" Derek laughed at the both of us, "you identical monsters are so stupid."

Derek pulled up to the front of Wakefield High, "I'll probably pick you guys up, or you guys can walk, whatever. I'll text Linh the plan." Jase and I walked into the gates, "Senior year sis, time to fuck shit up even more!" Jase laughed catching up to his group of friends. I stood at the front office waiting for Paisley, we both missed registration day so we had to deal with a couple of things before we started school. Paisley finally showed up, she had her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail, a black leather jacket, white v-neck and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Her jacket perfectly matched her edgy combat boots, "love your sweater, you need to let me borrow that," she squealed hugging me, "just as long as you let me borrow your jeans!" I smiled. We filled out our remaining papers and were sent off to class. "What's your first class?" I asked looking at my schedule, "ugh English," Paisley groaned. I laughed at her, "I have calculus, so chill out."

Fortunately for us, our lockers were next to each other and so was our first class, "alright see you after class," she squealed as she excitedly ran into class. A wave of nerves hit me, oh goodness when I open the door everyone is going to stare at me, crap. I took a deep breath in and opened the door, not to my surprise every head turned toward me. "You must be our new school transfer! Welcome to Wakefield, Miss- oh Miss Tylers!" My teacher Mr. Daniels said smiling at me, "go ahead and take a seat." I ducked my head and took the empty seat in the front of the class room. I could hear people whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying, my heart started to race, please please please, I don't want a repeat of freshman year. The boy who was sitting to my left tapped me on the shoulder, "the lesson already started so we're on page 87," he gave me a warm smile, "oh thank you," I trailed off hoping he'd tell me his name. "I'm Lucas, but you can call me Luke," he smiled. "Hi Luke, I'm Linh." Class went by fast, for me at least because I did walk in late, and I was packing my book bag to go to my second class. "Wait Linh, did you come here before or am I just crazy?" Luke asked studying my face, "I came here freshman year and left but now I'm back," I smiled a bit. "I knew you looked familiar! Anyway what class do you have next?" Luke laughed opening the door for me, "um I have art studio-" he cut me off, "I do too!"

I met up with Paisley and introduced Luke to her. Paisley had Physics next so she walked with some other girl who she didn't bother to introduce meaning that she had no intentions on being friends with her. "Can I ask you something?" Luke asked eyeing me from the side, "go for it." He nodded, "why did you leave for two years and then come back, I mean if you don't mind me asking." I shrugged, "uh well I use to be over weight and people would call me names and stuff like that, I mean for a while it didn't bother me cause I got use to it but my mom and brothers thought it would be good for me to go to like a rehab kinda center that would help me emotionally." His eyes widen, "so you were pretty much bullied and got proper help?" I giggled at his reaction, "yeah pretty much," I then took out my phone and showed him a picture of me and Jase from freshman year, "this is how I looked." He laughed, "you're lying!" I wish I was lying, I really wish I was.

Luke held the door open for me as we walked into the art studio class. I heard a gasp that came from the corner of the room, but I didn't look up. Luke and I found seats at the middle table. Not that long after I saw Jase walk in, "oh what! I got my sister in this class!" Jase hurried to my table, "aye Luke! I see you met my sister!" They did this weird hand shake, "yeah I did! We have calculus together too so." He laughed nudging Jase. "I can already tell this class is going to be annoying," I laughed rolling my eyes at Jase. I felt my phone vibrate, I eyed the unknown number,

From: +1(714)-090-1234
To: Linh Tylers
Did you come back to Wakefield??

I shrugged and put my phone away. The art lesson was pretty cool, Mrs. Garcia was a really spontaneous person so she made it more bearable. We were talking about the color spectrum and the classes of colors. "Um yes, Jase Tylers?" Mrs. Garcia pointed at Jase, "yeah, when will we be able to paint stuff? Or sculpt things?" Mrs. Garcia had the biggest smile on her face, "I love how eager you are! We'll be doing projects like that starting next week!" And like that she continued on the lesson.

Class by class went by and it was finally lunch. I met up with Paisley at our lockers, "so how's Wakefield doing you?" Paisley smiled, "I really like it here! And it looks like someone has a major crush on you," she secretly pointed to the side and I glanced over to see Luke walking toward us. "Hey Paisley! Hey Linh! Do you guys mind if I hang out with you guys?" His cheeks turned a shade of red. "Of course!" Paisley said giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her, "yeah it's totally fine." We were all sitting around the quad, "so Luke what made you want to hang out with us," Paisley playfully asked. Luke's cheeks turned pink again, "um I thought hanging out with new people would be cool." I smiled and Paisley had that stupid smirk again. Luke awkwardly laughed and was about to say something when someone butted in, "are you Linh Tylers?." The boy looked at me, studying my face, "um yeah, you are?" I asked, I was so confused. "Oh shit, Linh, it's me Hunter."

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