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[(A/N): ok so I'm going to skip ahead a bit so the summary of what happened from end of December to February is Linh spends Christmas and New Years with Hunter and his family, and now they're back in school. Also I'm really sorry for the chapters being short, once she comes back from the two years I promise the chapters will be better and longer! xoxo]

It's Valentine's day, shouldn't this be a day where girls get all giddy and excited? Well I'm not. There has been people coming into every class room handing out Valentine's grams. And of course as each class goes by I leave empty handed. I'm working out a math problem when my teacher, Mr. Wiggins, taps on my desk. I look up and he hands me the bright pink gram with a smile, "for you Linh." My eyes widen in surprised, "um thank you." I took the gram and studied it. There was a picture of baby Cupid on the front with my name written in beautiful cursive. 'Look someone actually got her one!' I heard them whispering but I was too busy trying to wrap my head around getting one myself. I opened the gram,

*I think you're very beautiful and an amazing person. Meet me at the gym after school. xoxo Hunter*

I looked over each word. The word beautiful seemed so foreign too me. And Hunter sent this to me? I couldn't help but to give a small smile looking at the gram, I really should have sent him one.

After school I headed to the gym. I've never been to this part of the school, I'm not the athlete I use to be. I saw Hunter waiting by the fence, but he wasn't waiting for me. I froze in my tracks when I saw a blonde girl come up to Hunter and kissed him. His smile was so big and he pulled her in for a hug. What just happened? I felt a pain in my chest, I'm so confused right now. They took each other's hand and walked off. I heard an out burst of laughter. "This bitch actually fell for the gram!" I turned around to see Tracy and her friends laughing at me. "You honestly believe anyone would send you one? And of all people Hunter? He pities you, he only hangs around you cause he feels bad for you." She continued to laugh and I realized her phone was out and she was recording all of this. My tears were streaming down my face, I didn't know what to do so I ran as fast as I could to the parking lot. "Running won't get YOU anywhere!"

When I got to the parking lot Derek and Jase were getting into the car. "Linh? What happened? Are you crying?" Derek asked furrowing his eyebrows when he saw me, "get in the car, we're going home."

The car ride home was uncomfortable. No one dared to speak and the radio in Derek's car was still broken so it was dead air. Finally when he pulled into the drive way, I quickly made my way to my room and cried more.

"Linh, you have to eventually come out," Jase tapped on my door, "Derek and I are worried about you," his voice trailed off, "Tracy sent me the video of what happened." I clenched my fists, why does Tracy do things like this to me? Why is she such an asshole. Jase was still knocking on my door, "come out we're all going to talk about this."

"We can report this as bullying!" Jase said when I cautiously walked down the steps. "Good idea!" Derek walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I sat far from the two of them. Derek tossed me the bottle, "how you feeling sis." I shrugged, I had no intensions of speaking. "Bullying is no joking matter, she can get into some serious trouble." Derek said looking at me. Jase was pacing around the room more because of his jitters than him thinking. "Wait but we can only see Linh in the video, there's no real proof that it was Tracy and her friends in it besides Linh's word." The boys continued to talk. By the end of the day my brothers took me in to file bullying against Tracy but of course she was given a pardon because her dad was very high in power at City Hall.

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