Date Night

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The first week of school went by faster than expected. So far hanging out with Paisley and Luke has been great, and avoiding Hunter had been easier than I thought too.

Jase came running into my room, "Linh! Linh! Linh! Guess what!" I groaned at my brother's rude entry, "it better be important." He laughed, "aren't you lovely in the morning but anyways guess who has a major crush on you." He gave me a smirk and I laughed, "oh brother give me a break, is it Luke?" He frowned, "how the hell did you know? You're such a buzz kill!" He stomped out of my room. I laughed at how childish he was. I rolled over in bed and grabbed my phone off the table to check for any messages,

From: Luke Myers
To: Linh Tylers
Hey so I'll pick you up at 6 :)

To: Luke Myers
From: Linh Tylers
Sounds great! Can't wait for our date! :p

I giggled sending that text. I rummaged through all the boxes looking for something formal to wear. I sighed in defeat because I had no clue what to wear. I looked at the clock, 2:45 p.m, holy shit I slept in big time! I went into the bathroom and did the usual. I came back out and called Paisley, "please come over it's an emergency and oh bring me some heels too!" She hummed into the phone, "what's the attire?" I heard muffled noises on her end, "it's formal." With that she hung up and was at my door in 15 minutes with a bag full of shoes and makeup.

"I'm here to your rescue!" She chuckled walking into my room, "so what dress are you going to wear?" I showed her the two dresses I pulled out, a loose plain white dress and a form fitted black lace dress. She grinned, "definitely the black one!" Then she looked into her bag of heels and pulled out tall black pumps, she held them up, "these will do just fine!" 4:45 p.m. Crap if I'm going to get my hair and makeup done I need to do it now. I sat on a stool while Paisley did her magic and brightened my face with makeup. After my makeup she continued to my hair, putting it into a relaxed bun allowing some of my baby hair to stray out and hang loosely curled. I threw on the dress and heels and looked through more boxes for a coat. I finally pulled out my white over coat, "Paisley thank you so much! I wouldn't have been able to do this all on my own! I owe you one!" She hugged me, "that's what best friends are for! Oh and I'm going to grab the cream sweater you wore the other day too," we both laughed. I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. "Holy shit! Linh is that you?" Derek said stunned, "since when do you do formal?" Jase came in and had the same stunned look. "Well I mean it's a formal occasion so it's kinda a have to," I rolled my eyes at my brothers. "Aw first dates, how cute! But ew seriously with one of my friends? C'mon Linh," Jase whined, "he asked me so shut up," I emphasized the sound of the p. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it!" Derek rushed to the door. "So you must be the boy taking my sister out," he laughed, "Linh your date is here!" He pretended to yell. "Thanks captain obvious, I mean I wasn't just standing here already," I sarcastically laughed. I smiled at Luke who was standing there holding flowers, "I know this is cliché but I bought you flowers and damn. You look really beautiful." He was gawking at me and Derek cleared his throat, "before you start mentally undressing my sister and before this date even happens, what time will you have her home?" Luke's cheeks burned the darkest red I've ever seen on his face, "um most likely before 12?" Derek shook his head, "make it 10." I gave Derek a little shove, "shut up you know I don't have curfew so stop it." Jase laughed, "look I just don't want to be an uncle so soon!"

Luke and I were on our way to the event. I looked over at him, he looked more attractive than usual. He had perfectly fitted slacks on with an ash grey button up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a cute black bow tie. His hair was styled, it was gelled up a bit making a perfect quiff. I bit my lip looking at him, jeez he was so beautiful! I didn't really realize I was staring at him until he touched my thigh, "you ok there? You've been really quite this while time." I shook my head, "oh yeah sorry I'm fine, I kinda zoned out," I laughed a bit and he did too. Once we got to the event, he got out the car and jogged over to open the door for me, "ok so I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything but my parents want to meet you, if you're comfortable with that." I smiled, "I'm comfortable with that, it'd be lovely to meet them." He helped me out of the car and intertwined fingers with me, "is it ok if I hold your hand?" I blushed and nodded. We walked into the main building were groups and groups of people were pouring into. "Yeah these things get packed, it's an annual dinner my parents like to have for friends, family, co-workers and other important business people." I looked around in awe, the place was huge and gorgeously decorated with lights, crystal chandeliers and large white tables with colorful center pieces. "You really do look beautiful tonight, and pretty much everyday too," he tightened his grip on my hand a bit then relaxed, "thank you, you look amazing yourself, as always."

The night went on smoothly, we sat at a table to have dinner, then we danced and now I was finally going to meet his parents. "Don't be nervous! They liked Jase when they first met him so obviously they're going to love you!" Luke assured me but I was still nervous. He led me through the crowds and stopped shortly in front of the center table, "mom, dad, this is Linh, Jase's twin sister, the girl I've told you about," he blushed a little. "It's nice to finally meet you darling! Lucas has been gushing about you for quite some time!" Mrs. Myers said pulling me in for a hug. "Nice to meet you Linh, looks like she's real and not imaginary after all son!" Mr. Myers joked extending his hand for me to shake. Luke and I stayed at their table, they were very sophisticate yet still really laid back and funny people. They talked a lot about Luke, I mean he was an only child so obviously they only talked about him. It was adorable to see how proud they were of him. "It's good to know that Luke can find such an amazing girl like yourself," Mr. Myers said and Mrs. Myers agreed, "it's been awhile since Lucas talked about a girl so it's rather cute coming from him!" Mrs. Myers reached over and punched Luke in the cheek making him groan, "mom please, I'm not five!"

Luke decided to go dancing again so he grabbed my hand and guided me out to the floor, "sorry about them, that's just them," he chuckled awkwardly, "don't need to be sorry! I really like them and I hope they like me too! Or at least better than Jase," I joked earning a solid laugh from him. The next song was a slow song, he held out his hand and I took it. He gently placed his my hand on his shoulder and he placed his above my hips, we swayed to the music. "I'm really sorry, I suck at dancing," I said blushing, he gave me a light laugh, "it's ok I have two left feet when it comes to dancing." We continued to sway, I interlocked my fingers behind his neck and I laid my head on his left shoulder. "You're not that bad," he whispered and smiled. I looked up at him and I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach when I saw his smile, something about him makes me happy. And it's been a long time since I've truly been happy. Sadly the song ended and we were still standing there, not letting go. "It's already 11, I think I should get you home before your brothers plan my death," he laughed letting go of me. I unwillingly agreed. I made sure to say goodby to his parents before we left.

The drive home was sweet. He held one of my hands in his as he drove. He kissed the top of my hand, "thank you for coming, I had a great time, I hope you did too!" I looked at him, giving him a soft smile, "thank you for inviting me, it was fun and I did have a great time!" I don't know why but I smile a lot more than normal with him. When he got to my house he pulled in the drive way and did the same thing he did when he got to the event, he jogged around the car to open my door. He walked me up to my steps, "thanks again for coming, I had a really great time! Maybe we can go out again? If you want." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course I want to!" I giggled. "I really like your giggle, it's so freakin cute," he smiled looking at me. Oh man here comes that cheesy movie scene where the guy kisses the girl at her door steps. Luke leaned in to kiss me and right before our lips touched, Hunter opened my front door from inside, "finally you're home!" Luke gasped and I narrowed my eyes at him, "dude what the hell are you doing inside her house?" Luke questioned Hunter as he stepped out into my porch, "I was waiting for her to come home cause I wanted to talk to her." Luke shot Hunter a glare. "Was it really that important? You can't just show up to my house whenever!" I snapped at Hunter. He deeply chuckled, "I use to come over whenever and you now have a problem with it? And I wanted to talk to you about us." 'Us?' Was this a joke? "There isn't an 'us' Hunter, there wasn't was and never will," I said not amused at all. "Linh, face it you liked me and you still do. I'm still really crazy about you too!" Hunter said, I think he was trying to be genuine. Luke huffed, "things aren't looking up so well for you buddy cause we were just on a date and I'm pretty sure she'd pick me over you." Hunter laughed, "yeah let's see how long that lasts." Then he walked off my porch to his car and drove away. I looked at Luke who seemed slightly pissed, "he had some nerve," he scoffed. I looked at the ground, "I'm sorry that ruined a great night, I didn't know he was-" I was quickly cut off by the sparks I felt when Luke crashed his lips with mine. Damn well never mind, I guess Hunter's episode didn't ruin the night after all.

[(A/N): thank you to everyone for continuing to read and vote for my story! It really means a lot, and please feel free to comment your thoughts, I'd like to know how you feel about the plot so far! Thank you all again so much! xoxo]

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