Plot Twist

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[(A/N): heads up y'all there's sex in this chapter! Lol :p anyways ok so seriously brace yourselves for a crazy plot twist! Please don't hate me or Linh after this :/ oh and btw the picture used in this chapter was actually photographed by me, so I hope it looks good. (I have this thing for photography too) xoxo]

I scratched the irritated skin under my cast, "ugh I seriously need this crap off already!" Paisley giggled, "don't worry about that now, let loose! We're having a bonfire!" I shrugged, "I mean I guess."

As I was talking to Paisley, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, "hey babe," Luke breathed onto my neck, placing a quick kiss on the crook of my neck. "Hey you," I turned around and kissed him. "Um ew, I'm still standing here!" Paisley snapped her fingers at me. We all laughed, "anyways I'll just go find Jase so we can make out too." She winked at me as I fake gagged.

"You look really stunning in your bathing suit and I love that cast too," he chuckled. I gave him a slight slap on his bare chest, "shut up."

I dragged Luke to the water, "c'mon! You're no fun!" I whined and he finally gave in, "fine, fine, ok, I'll go into the water!" "Yay!" I squealed and we walked into the water. The waves were crashing into shore a bit rough but I could manage. I love to swim so naturally I was good at it, after I lost weight, I became a much better swimmer. Luke started to splash me with water, and I retaliated by trying to push him over. "Oh crap Linh no-" I finally managed to get him off his feet and he fell back. When he got up, he wiped the water from his face, "you asked for it!" He ran toward me and threw me over his shoulder, "Luke put me down!" Obviously he wasn't going to listen to me. He continued to walk deeper into the water until it came to his belly button then he threw me about 3 feet in front of him. I hit the water a bit hard but I surfaced rather quickly. His face turned red, "uh babe, your top kinda um fell off." He pointed to my top that was slowly floating away, I looked down to my chest and grasped myself, "well shit." I grabbed my top and quickly put it on. Luke was laughing uncontrollably, I rolled my eyes and threw water at him, "thanks babe."

We walked back into shore, Tracy and Matt were laughing as I came to to them. "Nice tits Linh!" Tracy said poking me. Oh god how embarrassing. "That really would happen to you Linh!" Matt snorted. I shook my head at the both of them and kept walking, "yeah yeah screw you both!" Luke wiggled his eyebrows at me, "well you really do have nice tits."

The bonfire was amazing! Everyone was having a great time, no drama, no bad vibes just smiles all around. At the end of the night, Paisley left with Jase, Matt and Tracy are together now, Tony found a 'sugar daddy' he calls it and I was leaving with Luke. "Bye guys! Love you all!" I waved at Tracy, Matt and Tony.

The car ride home had a comfortable silence. "Do you want to come in?" I traced my finger on the back of his hand. He looked at the clock, 10:34 p.m. "Yeah why not."

I opened the door to find Jase and Paisley still infatuated with each other on the couch. "Couldn't even make it back to your room," I threw a cushion at Jase. He laughed, "I see that's where you're headed!" Paisley gave me a smirk, "remember boys and girls, always use protection!" "Make sure you tell Jase that too!" Luke chuckled along.

We went into my room and Luke flopped down on my bed, "I might just stay the night if that's ok with you, cause I'm in no mood to drive home." He rolled on my bed a couple times before getting comfortable and patting the space next to him for me. I curled up to his side, "yeah that's fine, you can sleep with me." He started to kiss my head, then forehead, my cheek, tip of my nose and finally my lips. His lips were warm and soft, I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach, I smiled into our kiss, it was gentle then became more passionate. I bit down on his lip and when he parted his lips due to the sudden action, I slipped my tongue in. As our tongues played for dominance, his hands reached for my face. Cupping my face with both hands he pushed into the kiss more. I moved over to straddle him and he let out a low groan. Hearing his groan sent another pulse of butterflies to my stomach. "Babe, are you sure you wanna do this," he breathed as I played with the hem of his shorts. I nodded my head, biting my bottom lip. "You're so beautiful," he kissed me hard then took his shirt off, my shirt and bikini top fell after that. Soon we were both naked continuing our passionate kissing. I could feel my lips becoming a bit swollen but I didn't mind at all. Luke rolled on a condom that was set on my night stand from Jase with the note, 'thought you'd need this sooner or later. I'm so serious when I say, I'm not ready to be an uncle! lol'

He continued to leave love bites on my neck, I let out soft moans from his teeth sinking into my skin. "Baby are you ready?" He looked deeply into my eyes for permission, "whenever you are babe." He nodded and aligned himself before thrusting into me. It was teasingly slow at first and he didn't pick up the pace until I groaned in frustration. He smirked, "eager aren't we baby?" When his thrust became deeper and faster I became a moaning mess. I could start to feel the pressure building inside me, "fuck babe I'm really close," I tried to open my eyes and look up at him. I noticed his lips were slightly parted in an 'o' shape. "Just hold it a bit longer babe, I'm almost there." As our final wave of pleasure swept through the both of us, my room was filled with a mixture of moans and profanity. Luke got up from on top of me and discarded the condom. I got up, "I'm gonna go take a shower now, you can go to Jase's room to take a shower too if you want and that is if he's not with Paisley in there either," I giggled. "Can't I just take one with you?" I shrugged "eh why not." We took a shower and went right to bed.


"Derek!" I called angrily from the front door. He came running down, "what the hell?" He looked up to see dad. "Oh dad, what are you doing here?" Derek tilted his head in confusion, "I'm here to spend time with you and your brother!" He evilly smiled avoiding all eye contact with me. I stormed off to my room and laid down, how dare he come here. That bastard. I had so much hate toward him swelling inside me. I eventually calmed down.

A couple hours later I received a phone call from my mom telling me how dad had a stroke while fishing with my brothers. I told her I wasn't going to the hospital to see him but of course she nagged me to the point where I finally agreed.

I drove to the hospital (in no rush) and finally was directed to his room. "Oh honey I'm so glad you're here!" My mom said wrapping me in her arms. I started to get mad, "what? You're glad I'm here? I've been home for at least a month now and you've yet to check on how I am since the accident!" I balled my hands into a fist, trying to control my anger. She looked startled, "I've just been so busy lately, I'm sorry." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Where are Derek and Jase?" She looked over at dad then back at me, "Keep your voice down, you're going to wake him! And they were here earlier but they left and I'm about to get going too." "So why the fuck am I here?" "Sweetie language! And just stay for a few minutes to make sure he's ok then you can go." She left the room before I could protest. I walked over to his bed side. He was starting to wake up, "oh great visitors." I rolled my eyes, "like I want to be here." I spat starting to turn around to leave but he started talking. "You ungrateful little bitch. I never loved you, I knew you'd be a slut from the moment you were born. I honestly despised the idea of having a daughter, an opportunity for another girl with my last name to make a mockery of me! You're a pathetic piece of shit just like your mother! You could never do anything right! All you did was cause problems for everyone and get fat." His words cut me deep but I wasn't going to put up with his bullshit any longer. "Well you know what 'dad' I don't give a shit about you or what you think." I walked over to the insulin bag that was pumping through him from an IV to help control his heart rate. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He sternly said watching me move closer to the bag. I took off the clip that was controlling the amount of how much was being injected and gave it a little squeeze to inject more into him. "Hope you rot in hell." I said as I turned and walked out. I could faintly hear the heart monitor going crazy then abruptly stopped to the monotoned noise through the closed door.


At dad's funeral, hardly anyone had shown up. Mom, Derek, Jase, my step-mom, the other two kids, Jane and Mitchell, I think were their names and me were there as well as a couple other middle aged men. During the eulogy everyone was crying but me. I felt nothing for him. After everyone that wanted to share their words had gone up, the priest spoke up, "does anyone else want to speak in honor of Douglas Tylers?" My mom nudged me, "go ahead honey." I gave her a confused look, "I was always taught, if I didn't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."

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