Day After

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[(A/N): I'm so sorry for not updating quick enough! I've been busy and brainstorming a lot, I also apologize for this chapter being short (and maybe crappy) but thank you for those who continue to read! And to my lovers of One Direction, especially Zayn girls, I am in the process of creating a Fanfic, 'Envious' so be on the lookout for that! Ok back to Linh, I hope you enjoy, much love to you all! xoxo]

I was dreading the next morning, it was too bright and getting out of bed was difficult. I forgot that Luke had stayed the night and that Tony was sleeping downstairs. I shook Luke trying to wake him up but he seemed to be a heavy sleeper. I slowly got out of bed and headed downstairs to check on Tony, which no surprise he was fine, he was chatting off Derek's ear. "Good morning Linh! You know how thankful I am to be friends with you! Your brothers are hot!" He joked and winked at me. Derek chuckled and rolled his eyes, "oh Tony, quite the charmer."

I met up with Paisley at school, "you guys did what?" Her voice was loud causing passing people to stare, "Paisley keep your voice down!" I shook my head, "my little Linh is all grown up!"

"Hey Linh!" I turned my head to see a boy jogging up to me in the hallway. "Hi?" I looked at him puzzled. He smiled and extended an invitation to me, "my friends and I are throwing a party and we wanted to invite you, it's an invite only type of thing. I hope you can come." I grinned, "oh cool, thanks for the invite! And I'm really sorry but what was your name again?" I felt embarrassed that I didn't even know this guy's name and he just invited me to his party. "It's cool, I'm Matt, I'm also a friend of Jase's." Ah that makes sense. "Wait so does that mean Jase is invited?" He smirked at me, "No."

To: Paisley Braxton
From: Linh Tylers
So I just got invited to a party? Should I go or no :/

She replied quickly

To: Linh Tylers
From: Paisley Braxton
Hell yes!

I took the invitation out of my book bag and looked at it again, "semi-formal! Invitation only!
97531 Semper Ave. party starts at 6, plan on having a great time"
I put the invitation into my book bag and continued to scribble down notes.

"So what are you going to wear?" Paisley squealed pulling my arm as we rushed out of school. "I don't know, it said semi-formal so," my voice trailed off, I thought about what to wear. "Is Luke going? Or Jase?" I shook my head. "Ok well let's get you home and dressed."

"What about this?" Paisley said pulling a maroon dress from my closet. I shrugged, "I dunno." She threw the dress at me with a heavy sigh, "you're so difficult!" I laughed at her, "can I just wear jeans?" She looked through my tops, she pulled out my white laced tank top as I pulled out my black skinny jeans, "perfect!" She giggled.

I was all set, I wore my leather jacket over my white lace tank top with my skinny jeans to match my combat boots. Paisley also thought it would be a good idea to wear a matte red lipstick. I fluffed my hair, "I think I'm ready, what're you going to be doing while I'm gone?" She blushed, "uh hang out with Jase." I groaned, "gross."

Luke called me to tell me he was going to be hanging with the guys tonight so he probably would stop by later in the night and I told him I was going to a party and would text him when I got home.

I pulled up to the house, my eyes wandered around in awe. The house was huge, there were bright lights and a shit load of people. It looked like a club because we had to wait in line and tell security our names before being allowed in. When I finally went in, I went straight to the table of drinks. I wanted to have a small buzz going so I did a couple shots. I felt the warmth run through my body. I wandered around looking for someone to hang out with. I accidentally bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry!" He smiled, "no worries! I'm glad you made it!" Matt pulled me in for a hug, "thanks for inviting me! This place is amazing!" He looked around and shrugged,"Yeah I guess, a bit too many people got invited but whatever it's still going to be fun!" He ended up wanting me to stay by his side so I did. We were laughing and having a great time. I did a couple more shots but also drank a lot of water so I wouldn't have a bad hangover. After drinking so much of everything I had to pee, really bad. "Um Matt, where's the bathroom? I'm going to pee myself." He laughed, "I'll show you cause you'll probably get lost."

He led me through all the bodies in the house, past some doors and pointed out the bathroom. "It's right there, I hope you don't want me to wait for you," he chuckled. My face turned a slight pink color, "oh no I'll find my way back." He nodded and headed back to the party. After relieving myself, I walked through the hallway trying to remember how I got there. I walked past a couple doors and my heart dropped. "Luke, are you sure you wanna do this? Don't you have a girlfriend?" I heard an unfamiliar female voice. I crept toward the door and peaked inside, "she won't find out, I swear." And like that I saw him crash his lips with the girl. I gasped and took a step back. Crap. I turned on my heels and scurried toward the party. What the fuck just happened? Was that for real? I felt a couple tears run down my face. He cheated. Why? More tears ran down my face. I decided to just leave the party. I ran out the front door, "Linh! Where are you going? Is everything ok?" Matt came after me and stopped me in front of my car. "I just, I, I saw Luke in one of the rooms with another girl," my voice cracked and more tears came down my face. "Are you fucking serious? He said he wasn't even going to come, I didn't even see him," Matt looked pissed, "I'm sorry, fuck I don't even know what to say, do you want me to beat the living day lights out of him?" I shook my head and put my hands over my face and let out more of a sob. Matt put an arm around me, "look, you're beautiful and smart, and if Luke can't appreciate you then he doesn't deserve you, chin up yeah?" I took a deep breath, "thanks Matt, and sorry for leaving your party early, I had fun before I saw Luke." I placed my head on his shoulder. "You want me to drive you home?" "Thanks for the offer but I can drive myself. See around at school?" He smiled, "sure."

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