Chapter 21

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Sunday morning comes at the Sully homestead. Josie gets out of bed to see Luke wiggling happily in his crib waiting for his parents to pick him up.

"Hey Henry Joseph, it's christening day. I bet you're hungry then we'll get dressed. " she says she picks him up to nurse him.

"Good morning Jo Jo and Luke." Henry says as he comes into their room and gives his wife a kiss and gently strokes his son's head.

"The kids are pretty much dressed. Sully and I were making breakfast but you can come downstairs if you're ready."

"Sure. Let me get dressed first ." Josie says as she gets up to get ready for the day.

The families later gather at the table to eat their breakfast.

"Brian, would you like to pray for us this morning?" His mother asks.

"Sure. Thank you God for this day and for good health for all of us. Let everything go well for the christening of Byron, Lilly and Luke and let this food be nourishing to our body and our bodies to your service. Amen"

"Well, the plan is to make to to church with three clean babies and two clean toddlers." Michaela says.

"That's the best plan. Now how to execute that is the problem. The christening gown Luke is wearing has been passed down since my father's oldest brother. Grandpa's three sons and all his grandkids minus my little brother wore it. Joe Jr is also a twin to my sister Charlotte. His christening gown was make by me and Abby. I know the whole thing wasn't on his mind after my stepmother's death."

"You never talked much about her Jo? What was she like?" Henry says

"I'm not exaggerating but she was horrible. She was a gold digger and kept me locked in my room. On their wedding day, I was locked in the outhouse. She died giving birth to the twins."

"I haven't said this to you Josie but I really have learned so much from you. You're a brave young woman do the things you do. You paint, draw and write. You've overcome the struggles and prejudices of life and break boundaries every day. You're an inspirational to women everywhere. Sully and I are glad to have you and Henry be there twins godparents." Michaela says.

"It's an honor really. I'm blessed that you even think that. I loved being here and learning. You, Sully and the kids are all welcome to Virginia City whenever you want. We'd love to have you."

"We'll have to take you up on that offer." Sully says with a smile as he gets up from the table to wash the breakfast dishes.

After clean dishes and one more check of clean babies and clean toddlers. The families get their wagons ready to leave for church. The mothers of the families drive their wagons into town. It's a beautiful August morning and the weather is nice.

Sully helps Michaela down fro the wagon and says,"Seems like yesterday we picked Robert E and Grace to be Katie's godparents. Now we have Lilly and Byron."

"I know. Time really flies." She replies

The families sit in their normal pew as the service begins. After a few hymns the Reverend Timothy Johnson gives his sermon. After he his finished, the blind pastor steps down from his pulpit and speaks.

"We have come here today to dedicate three babies to the Lord. Michaela and Sully's twins Lilly and Byron and Dr. Harvey and his wife Josie's son Henry Joseph. Scripture says "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." – Psalm 127:3-5
"But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." – Mark 10:14 Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them." – Mark 10:16. Michaela and Sully have chosen for Henry and Josie to be the twin godparents. Please hand your first born over to them."

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