🍁❤️Ten Feet Tall❤️🍁

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Please let me know if I ever represent anything wrong, wether it is cultural, trans/gender related, or whatever else. Accurate representation is the most important thing ever to me and I want to represent people right.


Roman looked at himself in the scuffed up mirror that had almost shattered in the travel here. His room was tiny and filled with boxes, but he didn't care. He could deal with those later. Right now he was worried about his reflection in the mirror. Well, he was disappointed in his reflection in the mirror. He hated the reflection in the mirror. But he hated it s little bit less since he got his hair chopped off and his Papá promised him that he'd look into getting him a new chest binder as soon as everything starts to settle in their new life. They were in the actual fifty states for the first time. It's a lot different from being in Puerto Rico.

Roman gave up at staring at himself and imagining every little nitpicky thing he wants to change about his body. It was time to get dressed and deal with his first day of freshman year. School had only been in for maybe half a month? Two, two and a half weeks? Roman didn't miss much and his Papá had been reassuring him that everything would be fine. Of course it would be fine! Roman is a strong independent boi who can figure things out on his own, make friends, and join the drama club! He wasn't worried about that at all!

What he was worried about was his name being called out in class.

Ramona LaBoy this, Ramona LaBoy that. Would kids here laugh at him? Should he just correct the teacher as soon as they say the name or just talk to them awkwardly after class? Both seemed less than ideal. Roman just wished he was and always was a boy. A really tall, muscular man with really cool sideburns and a smolder that could make any guy or gal or even NonBinary pal swoon. Roman doesn't discriminate, even though he is mostly into guys himself. He dreamed of being that handsome and heroic prince from the fairy tales Mama used to read to him before bed at night.

Roman looked at himself in the mirror once more, now that he was entirely dressed instead of wearing nothing but the boxers he borrowed from his Papá until they could go to the store and get Roman some of his own. Now he wore a sports bra, a crimson red v-neck short-sleeved shirt that was entirely plain with nothing cool on it at all, and some fútbol shorts from his childhood that he never seemed to grow out of. He looked more boyish like this, even if that boysih self looked maybe eight instead of fourteen. Roman definately wasn't satisfied.

"¡Mi sol! ¡Buenos Días! ¡Ya es hora despertarse!"

Roman turned when he heard his father call from the kitchen in their small, one story house. All Roman had to do to get to where his Papá was is open the door, walk down the hall a bit, and make a left. It's a small house but it seems better than the appartments most other people are living in. Papá was lucky to get a lot of money out of the divorce with Mama. She did go on a cruise with another man and spent hundreds at strip clubs and bars to cheat on him so he deserved the compensation money.

"Buenos Días Papá. Ooh, are those pancakes? You didn't have to make sucha  big breakfast Papá..."

"¡Disparates! A growing boy needs to eat to grow up big and strong! I know how you want to grow taller, mi sol, so I'm going to be a good Papá and help you get there."

Roman's Papá beamed a happy smile with his yellowed teeth as he ruffled Roman's hair. Good thing he didn't bother to brush it yet. Roman grinned a happy grin, feeling very happy with himself and grateful for the father her has before sitting down at the small dining room table and being served a plate of Pancakes and some Avena. Roman's Abuela on his mother's side has the best Avena ever! And she taught it to his Dad! But the oatmeal-like dish and pancakes?! Roman doesn't think he can eat all of this. His Papá saw the worried look on his face and laughed a hearty laugh, sitting down across from him.

"I'm not going to make you eat it all, hijo. This is for us to share! After I drop you off for the bus stop I go straight to work."

Roman nodded, understanding. He smiled, knowing that every morning he can eat breakfast with his father. Both of them can get used to eating more than just a small bit of bread for breakfast together. Papá got two spoons and they shared the same bowl and paper plate because they don't wanna waste and make the bills higher. They smiled and ate and for some reason Roman felt like today wasn't going to be so bad after all. 

After they are Roman went back to his room to do his hair and stuff and then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on some cologne. If you read that as "call-og-knee" then oh truly are a memer of culture. Roman stared at his youthful face, seeing his smile. His smile fell. His smile was really feminine and he didn't like it. Maybe if his jaw was square and his shoulders were broader... yeah that would be so much better. And If he were taller that would look really cool. Roman wished he was taller.

Roman looked at his small and lean hands that he didn't paint. Normally he paints his nails pink or red or whatever but he decided not to do it. That wouldn't be very masculine of him and people would make fun of him. He doesn't want people making fun of him. He wants people to love him. And he wants to be a charming guy that everybody can rely on. That's what he wants more than anything. Roman stared back at his reflection in the mirror. He looked as masculine as he physically could right now.

"¡Hijo! ¡Darse Prisa! We have to go!"

Roman went back to his room and slung the tote bag he used back in Puerto Rico over his shoulder and walked back out to the central area of the house. He grabbed his new tennis shoes his Papá bought for him and he sat down on the stairs, tying them as best as he could. He stood up and saw his dad nice and ready for his new job. If Roman remembered correctly his dad had gotten a job as a desk worker or a secretary or something. Roman wasn't certain. His father ruffled his hair with his charming wide smile again.

"Ready to take on the world, Champ?"

Yeah... Roman was. He was ready to tackle the day and start his life here in Florida. He was ready for whatever was to come, because he would fight back against anyone who dared cross him! Like a true heroic prince would!

1215 Words

Thank you for reading! :) Internet hugs and blow kisses!

~Evangeline/Remus Hisahoshi

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