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🌙Chapter Nine🌙

Please let me know if I ever represent anything wrong, wether it is cultural, trans/gender related (even though I'm trans), or whatever else. Accurate representation is the most important thing ever to me and I want to represent people right.


"Hey Papá? You aren't excited at all are you?"

Roman teased as Papá was already tidying up the house for this weekend's guests. After this chapter is going to be a time skip because just going through the next two days of school is going to be really boring. It's maybe once menos doce de la noche and Papá is in fully on cleaning mode with a big cheesy smile on his face. This will be the first time they had visitors at this house in Florida. If Roman was being honest, he missed the neighbors and how close everyone was back in Puerto Rico. It'll be nice to have a full house again.

"Do you think it looks okay? ¡Mierda! ¡Es Desigual!"


Roman sighed, knowing how his father could be when he gets wrapped up in something. Roman's phone suddenly started vibrating violently in his pocket so he took it out. All the messages were from three different people. He opened up his messaging app and found that he had been added to a new group chat titled 'The Squad' And sure enough, Patton was the one who created it.

Roman went outside to the porch and read over the first few messages everyone sent. Just a greetings and saying who was who. Roman chuckled to himself and looked up to the sky. The moon was a waxing gibbous and the stars twinkled around it like starbugs. What a nice throwback to one of the books the author wrote before coming out as trans. Wait, Roman hasn't texted the chat yet. He should probably do that.

Roman: Oh yeah, this is my number by the way. It's Roman!

Instant responses.

Patton: Hey Roman! Can't wait for the weekend! Only two more days!

Logan: Salutations, Roman.

Virgil: Sup Roman!

Roman smiled. Two more days, huh? That's it? Roman is so excited! Roman set down his phone and gazed at the stars. The sky wasn't as clear as it was back in Puerto Rico, but it's still pretty. It's still the same sky that Remus is looking up at back there. He knows it. Roman hugged himself. Why was he so lonley all of the sudden when his new friends were nothing but a few taps of the thumbs away? It's weird. Life if weird. But strong boys tough it out. 

And in the next chapter  Roman knows for a fact that there's going to be a time Skip to where the squad is over at their house. That means when they're all here, maybe... maybe they can make a video and post it online so Remus could watch it like they did with all those music videos they watched together when they were kids. It would also be fun to do with all his friends. It's a win win. Yeah, sounds like a plan.

500 Words

Thank you for reading! :) Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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