Chapter 4

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"One 16 year old boy had just been killed yesterday, in a very. Brutally. Way. His head was on the floor and there are long slash marks on the body. There is an especially big gash at where the heart is positioned. We believe a very long weapon had been used. We have inspected the area and there were no traces of anyone in the room. Anyone who did this is very smart indeed." The Chief Officer frowned at the mention of the case. It was so ingeniously done, that only a prodigy could have enough brains to execute it. All the police were chatting among themselves about who could have done it. It was cruel. The Officer continued.

"Silence. Silence. Since this is a very hard case, for the first time in police history, I allow you to volunteer for this case. I have no choice, however if I think you are not qualified enough to solve this, you will not take the case. Now, would anyone want to take this case?" The police force muttered anxiously to each other, looking around at anyone who would actually want to take the case. It would take ages to solve it. And suddenly someone raised their hand.

"I'll take it, sir. I'm willing to." Everyone looked at the police who spoke. It was Detective Flynn Terrick. He had just come in the year before. He was considered as a rookie, but he was extremely good. Within one year, he had solved three high-profile cases. He had been awarded as best police officer, so as usual, everyone else hated him (the goody-goody two shoes). Chief Conan looked over at Detective Flynn. He raised his eyebrow.

"Well, well, if it isn't Detective Flynn Terrick. You sure you're up to it? It seems pretty hard to me."

"I will try my best, sir. I want to improve."

"Well, I'll allow you to. Now, pick your team and I'll give you the details."

"Yes, sir."


He met Officer Conan in his office. He asked him to sit down and gave him the details.

"So Terrick, I know you have solved many cases before and you got some medals, even though you just joined last year. But I'm telling you, this is not easy. It will not be like what you have ever done. It will take a long time, but if you really want justice, then it is worth it."

"Thank you, sir, for the advice."

"No problem. But remember, work with your team. You chose them, so don't complain. You cannot change your team. They are the only people you can work with. Remember that."

Detective Terrick stood up, cap tucked under his armpit, pride on his face.

"I won't let you down, sir."

He left the room.


He looked through the file. Looking at the details of the deceased, the house and literally everything at the file with care. He decided to go to the house to have a look.

A perimeter of police tape was around the house. He went under it and checked the house. He looked at the door. The lock was still intact. Nothing seemed wrong. He then saw the various security cameras around the house. They were functioning properly. He looked at the outside of the house, which looked perfectly fine. He opened the door and walked into the house. Pictures of the victim lined the long corridor. He followed it to the bedroom, and saw the most horrific sight yet. He saw two chalk linings on the floor, instead of one; and there were two body bags instead of one. He asked the few inspectors there whether he could open the body bag. The inspectors looked at each other and reluctantly let him do so.

He opened the larger bag slowly and carefully, and saw it.

"Fuck," he whispered.

The place where the head was cut off was cleanly cut. He could still see the bone and blood. The body was slashed with a thousand marks, with dried blood covering the entire body, clothes and all. He closed it and shuddered.

He approached the second bag. With caution, he opened the bag and saw the head. Its large beady eyes still staring into Flynn. It looked as if his eyes were looking into Flynn's soul. He closed it and continued to examine the bedroom.


He looked at the furniture, the pictures and everything else. But still, he could not find any evidence.

He muttered, "To the person who committed this crime, may your soul be tortured in hell and may you live in despair."

Even the best murderers leave some evidence.

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