. . . F A L L I N G . . .

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I have reached to mountain. Here, the day is were you take the breath that will be your last. You spread out your arms and looked down at the hole where you would die... You turned around and saw Shea she was the person who pushed you to this point. She laughed and said.

*Go kill yourself not like anyone will care!

More thoughts of what she had said to you flooded your mind.

*Kill yourself

*Worthless brat


*A fuckup!

*Oh no are you gonna cry! Hahaha!

*You need to get a life or better yet end it!

She faded away. A hallucination, Tears of pain rolled down your face.


You fell back and immediately wanted to take back everything you had just done. Flash backs of good time you had with your father, mother, sister, and brother the memories, they pointed out facts that made you feel stupid and now you will never see them again.

*N-no wait... This isn't what I wan-!

Black. That's what was next.
You woke up and you realized you were still alive this is what scared you You wanted so badly to end your life but you were afraid to survive it cause you would have to see the pain and disappointment on many faces. You tried to get up but you seemed to be to weak like always, you looked around at what you could see and there were four light gray pole looking things you can't remember the names of them, you felt around with your hands it seems like you felt into some flowers it was easy to tell by the texture. Then a white dot floated toward you and it went into you is kinda hurt you winced in pain but it made you a little stronger you got yourself up and looked at what you could see... Wait, is that a flower with a face?

*H-hey? Are you o-okay?

*Uugh.. Am I dead?

*.Um.. No sadly cause if you were dead I would be dead...

*Uhm... May I ask but... Where am I?

*Oh! You are i-in the underg-ground!


*Yes this is where we monsters stay here until King Asgore gets one more soul so he can break the barrier and we can claim the human world.

*H-how do I ac-cess my soul and stuff like that?

*Oh you usually only get to access your soul during fights or when you collect something but if you think of your soul it will usually pop up.

*Okay th-thank you!

I said as I sat on my knees my arms and legs hurt but you were used to pain but this was new.

*Uhm c-can I ask w-hat you're name is?

The weird flower spoke with a sad tone and look but deep down you knew he couldn't feel anything cause that's how you looked everyday.

*O-oh I'm (Y/N), what's you're name?

*Oh sorry um nice to meet you (Y/N)! I am Fl-Flowey, Flowey The Flower!

Flowey tried to sound full of emotion but you could tell, cause you felt nothing...

*So Flowey is the Underground like a video game? And how do I exit?

You asked the Flower looked down but looked back up at you.

*Yes here it's kinda like a video game with a soul and HP or we call it LV...
But the last time I tried to help a human it got them...

He looked down you didn't want to push it but you could sense he had been through alot...

*Well if I have to fight to get out of here I won't fight! But I'm taking you with me.

You said he looked up at you wide-eyed.

*N-no! Cause I-if you wo-on't fight... Well do-wn here I-it's.. Kill Or Be Killed...

That's when you spoke up...

*Well I think I can get through here without fighting. Don't fight then you won't have to fight!

You said with confidence something you thought had left me, but I guess it hadn't. Flowey had a sad look on his face one that triggered a memory but he looked at you with hope..

*Flowey Believes In You!

A little notification had popped up but when you were done reading it dissapeared you smiled a ghost of a smile and picked up Flowey and started walking through the dark red hallway and then you met a weird goat lady she was freakishly tall and wearing a black dress, Flowey told you she had yellowish sclera's and red pupil's had white fur, red bags under her eyes her black dress had a white design and a red circle in the middle of the design she over towered you, you froze and started shaking. She looked at you and walked over to you, you didn't move when she got to you she spoke very softly.

*Are you okay, child? My name is Toriel, would you like to come to my place and stay for awhile?

You were scared shitless but nodded 'yes' she took you're hand in hers which was warm and fluffy and her claws didn't bother you you looked at Flowey, he looked at you and gave you the 'what are you doing?!' Look you didn't know and just looked up at Toriel, she seemed like a very hurt and lonely woman you had been so deep into thinking to not realize that both of you had stopped.

*We are here my, child! I shall give you a tour of my home.

You nodded and followed her she showed you were the kitchen was, the living room, the bathroom, and the spare room you would be sleeping in, she left you in the room to think there were two beds with black blankets with the same design like Toriel's dress, and then two chest's. You went over to a small dresser in the middle of the two beds and set Flowey down he was asleep, then went over to the chest on the left the chest wa labeled Asriel you looked inside there was a heart shaped necklace, flower crown, a boot, and weird little things you think are candy. You took all of the items and went over to the other chest labeled Chara you looked inside there was another heart shaped necklace, another flower crown, and a knife you took all but the knife it was important... You looked up at the sleeping flower he looked peaceful. You looked out the window and saw it was dark you were tired so you decided to sleep in one of the beds, you decided Chara's it seemed like a girl name so you decided to sleep. You lifted up the black covers and slipped into them you laid your head on the pillow and faced the wall someone came into you're room it was Toriel you had memorized her walking pace, you just listened she set down a plate and said

*Have sweet dreams my, child sweet like Butterscotch/Cinnamon.

She said it like a mother, like you're mother... You soon fell asleep.

P.O.V. ????????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ P.O.V.



I questioned why was I in here wasn't I with $ŔϧĶ? I lifted my hand up and froze I was see through! I thought I had finally escaped this hell I'm bound to! I looked into my chest and everything was taken but my knife they probably took it I put it in my inventory or tried it ended up in there I am gonna find out what is happening but everything isn't right I will try and sleep...


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