S T O R Y B E H I N D W H A T H E H I D E S . . .

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So I have been here for a week now. I have been observing many people's behavior. Mostly Papyrus and Sanses behavior I have been doing well in training with Undyne and Papyrus he has been a help in my tutoring. Sans and I have gotten closer and he has been apart of some of my touring of the town. I now know where Undyne and Alphys live and where they spend most of their time. After awhile of just getting the general schedule of Sans and Papyrus I had stumbled upon an argument. Sans and Papyrus often bicker but this was full on arguing that could possibly turn physically violent. I walked 3/4's down the stairs before stopping and sitting down on the steps and listening  I had just gotten out of the shower cause training had lasted 3 hours. I sat and listened and this is what I heard.

*Sans, you can't get close to the human!

*Why!? Just so she can be one of your torture victims! Huh! Why?!

*How dare you speak to me that way!

*How dare I? HOW DARE I?!


Then.. It clicked... He was the one who gave him that crack. I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen where the fight was happening.

*I told you Sans.. I will find out who did that to you....

Papyrus looked at me, Surprised. Sans looked at me with terror knowing I had found out his secret.

*And I'm going to tell everyone.

Papyrus's eye sockets widen and so did Sanses. Sans turned fully to me and Papyrus looked down to his right.

*K.. Kid.. I-It's not what-

*It. Is. Exactly. What I heard and what it is....



They were both silent. I looked at them both and said.

*So.. I would like some answers... I honestly don't want to fight.. I'll be in the living room when you want to explain..

I walked out of the kitchen and went to the couch and sat down. After a few minutes of sitting Sans came out and sat down next to me and he explained how he got the crack in his skull.


I was at my sentry station as always if I went anywhere else Boss would get on my ass. I was just sitting there watching for humans like I am supposed to and I reach for one of my bloody Mustard bottles and I hear footsteps of several or less people or what I grab one of my axes and look up, left, right, behind me, and down. I shrugged and git my bloody Mustard I sat back up and watched.... Well what is there to watch.. I just stared in front of me and drank. I heard the foot steps again and I just gripped my axe. Hard. I stopped drinking my bloody Mustard.





I swung my axe behind me and I hit something.


*Can't a guy just fuckin drink in peace!

I yelled and then I felt arms pick me up by my inner arms and I kicked what I could.


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