Two Sides

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Sans and I sit on the couch.
It looked like he already knew Flowey's real name, but hearing it confirmed it.
This was new information..

But it all seemed so Nostalgic.

Have I heard this before?

*So your name is...


Flowey finished, he looked down. Something felt..


I looked at Sans and he look completely and utterly, pissed. His skeletal hands clenched, his teeth were pushing together so hard they look like they could break.

*You haven't been forgiven, but you may be in the future.

Sans got up and walked out of the living room to his room upstairs. Flowey and I gazed at him as he walked up the stairs, Flowey looked as if he was on the verge of tears. It hurt to look at him like that.

*I think he n-needs sometime to think..

Flowey looked at me and said this.

*Do you know who that person in the kitchen is?

I swallowed and said.


*That person in the kitchen is Chara..

My hands shook I clenched my teeth. I didn't know what to feel at the moment.

*They're surrounded by hatred

FlashBack Start

The teacher smiled a big smile as she read a book out to the class. 7th grade 4th period. I just kept reading my own book about human and monster souls. I had it because I wanted to learn about the forbidden things. Everyone hated monsters. But I found them purely fascinating, I hated how people were so close minded. I flipped the page where it had a complete black heart and it had paragraphs and paragraphs on how if you see this soul.
The thing that has this heart is filled with Hatred and can be SAVED but most of the time cannot. I looked at the soul and traced it with my finger. I wondered was color my soul was. On the surface a lot people didn't believe in violence. So no one was getting into fights or anything like that.

FlashBack End

*They can be saved...


*They can be saved.

*How do you know.

Flowey looked at me with skepticism but I spoke again telling him all about the book I had and about souls, fighting, defenses, and other things it included.

*I will agree.. You are pretty stupid but, you surprised me with this.. We can try.

I got up and picked up Flowey with my hands and walked to the kitchen, I set him on the table.

*You know them best, I think it's best to calm them down and try and explain the situation.

Slowey nodded and I went upstairs to see if I could calm Sans down. I walked to his bedroom door and hear mumbling.

*You should've remembered.

*You are better than this.

*Why is he not trying to hurt anyone.

I twisted to door knob to his room and  his room was disheveled, a mess, his right eye was glowing the blood red, the same way I met him that day, when fell into the underground. He slowly looked at me his body was facing the right wall and his face look at me, he was blinded by rage, I didn't know why. I stood there, I've been scared of Sans before, I shouldn't be scared because I know him, but the thought of losing him like this has me.
I was about the close the door when Sans teleports to me and brings me in his room, arms wrapped around me, saving me, protecting me. My arms were at my sides, I moved them up to hug Sans back and I burrowed my face into his fluffy jacket hood, we stood there for a couple minutes and from the the tight embrace I had on him I felt his shoulders shake and jerk and I heard muffled sobs come from him, he gripped my shoulders pushing me more against him as he apologized and apologized I patted his  back as we both fell to the floor and he sobbed.

*Sniffle... Sometimes I get so angry that it feels like I'm drowning in my own emotions. In my head. And no can save me...

I teared up at that thought. We both know the same pain.. I hugged him tighter and said in a shake voice...

*W.. When you're drowning. I'm your lifeguard, if everything gets too hard for you, you come to me. I don't know if I'll be able to help you, and I don't know what your thinking is like, but I promise to be here with you till the very end...

*Thank you... Thank you..

Sans and I looked at eachother and put our foreheads together, closing our eyes for a minute and then looking at eachother and putting our lips together... Just one moment can feel like a life time...

He was my lifetime..

Heyyyyyy, I'm uh alive... Sorry I didn't update.. School was kicking my ass, still is but I'll have a break to work ok these soon. Sorry it's not as long as usual. Alsooooo I have a question!
Uhhh at the end of the book, would you guys, a lemonnnnnnnnn???? IKNOWITSEXUALBUTIKINDAWANTTODOONEBUTIDON'TWANTTOSEXUALIZETHEFANDOMEVENMORETHANITIS- Anyway just making this because uh, I started it, make it to the end..
Also rip Unus Annus...

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