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I stared at his face. A bad feeling forming in my stomach.
"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" His deep voice sending a chill down my spine as the snow started to feel like chains around my ankles. My chest rising and then falling and my mouth fell a gape as steam exited my mouth. I brought my trembling hand forward as it met with his. As soon as our hands touched.



I jumped as pain went through my body starting at my hand, going through my arms and ending at my spine. I coughed and fell into the white, cold, soft snow. I wanted to live I just had to get to my save point! I looked up and he was still there. With that sinister smile that the skeleton wore. I panted and coughed as my LV went down and severe pain went through my body as I crawled to my save point. I touched the save point and saved. I breathed out my last breath before I got the feeling of fading away.





I pressed the continue button as I faded into the snowy filled forest. I was standing in front of the skeleton and he held out his hand.


*Don't you know how to greet and new pal?

I looked up into his empty eye sockets and didn't shake his hand and he pulled it away.

*Hah I guess you caught onto me!

He showed his hand to have a hand buzzer.

*You look so frail that I bet if you touched this it would have KILLED you!

He tilted his head back laughing and then he looked back at you. You took detail of his face under his eye sockets he had redish brown bags and his smile seemed to never falter.

*Anywho, my name is Sans.

*Sans the Skeleton.

You looked at his face before looking down and telling him your name.

*Uhm! M-my name is.... (Y/N)..

*Hmm.. I guess I should tell you. My brother doesn't take humans being in the underground to kindly. So I suggest you run...

I hadn't noticed before but he had and axe in his jacket and his smile turned twisted and maniacal. I ran past him as he slowly counted down to 1 from 5. My vision blurring from the tears forming in my eyes as I ran with Flowey in my arms. I ran into a crowd of trees I was looking left and right for a hiding spot. Run. RUn. RUN! I kept repeating the same phrase in my head. I looked behind me, still running. He was behind me running I ran faster than I ever had in school and at home. His laughing echoed in the forest and in my head, I turned left, right, left, left again, then a right. I found a tree with a hole burned into it perfect for my size. I ran over and crawled in as I sat there knees to my chest and Flowey beside me. My legs hurt from running, it feels like I had run a mile. My breathing slowed after two minutes of hiding.




My eyes widened as I heard footsteps and hushed laughter. He was filled with secretive laughter, as if he was ready to slaughter someone's daughter..

*You know in this world...

*It's kill or be killed....

I looked away from the opening of the tree and held my breath as tears formed in my closed eyes and fell down my cheeks. A bony hand grabbed my upper arm and yanked my out of my hiding spot.


I screamed as the tears turned into waterfalls streaming down my face.

*Heh. There is no point of fighting human.. You can say your prayers but you won't be surviving.

The axe that was in his left hand changed to be in both and he moved the axe over his head. Aiming for me. I quickly got up and ran to the tree and grabbed Flowey and ran to what I though was were I came from. I ran, and ran and ran, until I stopped running. There I was.. At a cliff of a mountain.

*Dead. END.

I turned around and saw that skeleton. That damned skeleton. Sans. Sans. It sounded so familiar. I looked at the cliff and then back at him.

*Looks like you are gonna have to die!

I clutched Flowey closer to my chest. I turned my body completely toward him and smiled.

*Hehe. I've always wanted to die. I guess I have fulfilled that dream!

I smiled as the tears continued to streamed down my face. My breathing turning to fog. His face that was contorted into a sinister smile faded into a worried smiled of confusion. I walked back towards the edge of the cliff and my smile grew wider.

*H... Human?

He looked away then back at me. I felt the last part of the cliff near my heels. I started laughing.

*Mhmhmhmhm... Hehehe.... Ahahahaha!

My laughing turned violent and I set down Flowey. My breathing was hitched and my heart felt like it was being stabbed over, and over, and over again.

*So if I survive than I'll see you tomorrow~ Yeah I'll see you tomorrow!

(Hollywood Undead)

I leaned back and my arms became balloons and floated in front of my body. I heard the crunching of snow heading toward me. As I opened my eyes my life flashed before my eyes again but, they didn't care.

And neither did I....

Sans P.O.V.

I had met a human named (Y/N) I liked her name but never said so and now we are at the top of a cliff that is somehow in the underground. She had just told me that she was one day gonna kill herself and now I am witnessing it. I don't know what got into me but I just started running toward her dropping my axe in the process. I just ran towards her anything just to stop her from going she had potential. My souls hurt seeing her like that. It felt like it was being stabbed over, and over, and over again. She couldn't say goodbye...

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