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I looked at the flower who had now lowered his head (I forgot the word.) His golden petals closed around his face.

*W.. We....

*Flowey can you please speak up?

*We don't talk about Chara.

*Then who have you been talking to?

Sans spoke up, venom filled his voice. His hands clenched into fists. I moved my right hand to his left and held it. My thumb going over his knuckles, effectively calming him down.

*Sniff.. Sniff..


*Sniff.. Heh. Why do you want to know?

Flowey lifted his head as he had a confusing yet disturbing look on his face.

*Be-because I-


I jumped back from the sudden outburst.


Sans was pissed.

*If you aren't going to tell us I will gladly chop off every single stump you grow, and rip out all those pretty golden petals.

*You... You wouldn't!

*Oh yes I would, starting at the top petal-


*Then your leaf's


*Then cutting you little head of your-


Sans and Flowey looked at me, surprised but kept quiet.

*Why I want to know, is so that way they will stop bothering me. So please, tell me and maybe we can help.

*Sigh... Fine, It started when the war broke put between humans and monsters.

Chara's P.O.V.

The war.
Why can't we all just get along.
Why did it have to happen now?

*Mom! Dad! Where are you?!

My breathing hitched as my hands shook and I ran around. My hands cupped around my mouth as I saw my father, take out his sword and slay a skeleton. My red eyes widened. Why were they doing this?

*Back off foul creature!

He yelled as he was fighting a larged headed looking snowman creature with ice cycles on its head. He looked at me, with...


He knew I didn't like it. He knew. But he didn't it anyway. The monster was so helpless, why couldn't he give mercy.

I looked behind me and ran, away, away from the man I called my father, away from my family. I didn't want to see them, not now. I saw a pile of... something, it looked like a large amount of rocks. I ran towards it and hid. It was the best thing I could think of...

After hours of fighting us humans won. Monsters would stay in the underground, no longer being citizens of the earth, just a forgotten piece of rubble. Many people died, children, mothers, fathers, grandparents. Either from fires, monsters, or being fatally crushed. Both my parents had died , my mother died from being crushed and my father was beaten to death by monsters. I was put in the orphanage, the one my mother had died in, protecting children, those children survied, my grandmother had died from cancer a year before and my grandfather was long gone, either dead. Or alive. Many children picked on me, because I was the quiet child who never spoke out about anything. I started having nights about my mother, she was haunting me. I told the people who are supposed to be taking care of us but they said I was being dramatic, I would wake up in the morning tired, or having no sleep at all, they didn't pay attention to me so I decided after hearing rumors about how children end up missing going into the underground I thought.

HorrorFell Sans x Suicidal Reader || No Longer ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now