Behind The Building

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As Sans and I neared Grillby's we quieted down and entered. Some of the dogs were there like normal, but it was mostly empty.

*Hm, I wonder why it's so empty.

*Eh, people might be busy?

*Come on let's just have fun.

Sans smiled at me and we headed to the bar counter. The jukebox was playing (F/S) and I hummed along to the lyrics. Sans smiled at me slightly and ordered Bloody Mustard with two boxes of fries. I'm pretty sure you know the white bos with red stripes? (That's what It looks like.) I twiddled my hair strands between my dainty fingers and my fingernails were painted (F/C). I hadn't been eating a lot so they were discolored. I looked down at my thighs, I had a thigh gap but they were still a little chubby. While I was still on the surface I usually wouldn't eat cause home was frustrating and school was hell, no worse than hell, it was the devil himself, and when you have so much anger bottled up inside you start taking it out on yourself. I was a sophomore at a Christian School. (No offense to anyone who is Christian.) Bible verses, sometimes baptizing, straight posture, uniforms tight as hell. The uniforms were only tight around the chest and it sucked cause there was a perverted teacher who I hated. He had a thing for me. Luckily nothing happened but I did report him but of course. Don't believe the student their just faking it for attention!


A new song started playing it was a song I recognize the song. I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend.

🎶 I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend I Wanna Kiss Your Lips~ 🎶

I smiled. The LGBTQ community was a great place.. Mostly... It was complicated, usually people just be themselves but with the phobic's it put a damper on the mood. But, what could we do? Kick them out? No, they technically weren't breaking any rules. I looked at Sans he was happily talking to Grillby, he was a fire monster the color/colour, it was a regular flame red, orange, yellow colors but it had hints of purple and green. He fancied a suit that was your normal black and white. Black pants, white long sleeve shirt, black vest along with the classic black tie and black dance shoes, just general work attire. Grillby also had glasses that sat atop his nose. I snapped back into reality when some fries were put in front of me.

*Thank you Grillby!

*You're welcome, (Y/N).

I had bonded with Grillby because of how many time's Sans brought me here. Sans was a regular customer that sometimes didn't pay his tab. I grabbed a fry and ate it my mouth was watering.

*These are really good Grillby, what's your secret?

*Hahaha Thank you but a secrets a secret.

*Damn it.

Sans looked at me and smirked.

*Well I didn't know you had a dirty mouth.

*Well I didn't know skeletons had tongues.

Sans whole skeleton face turned a bright tomato red and Grillby an I burst out laughing. Sans and Papyrus had tongues and I guess he was kinda weirded out by it. Grillby was leaning on the counter one arm clutching his stomach and the other supporting himself on the counter. Sans pulled his hood over his skull and pulled it to cover his face.


*Haha, I'm sorry Sans I had to.

*S-Sans, I didn't know skeletons had that feature.

Grillby was probably wiping away a lava tear because of how hard he was laughing. I smiled at him and then I smelled burning.

*Uhh, Grillby? Aren't you making food? I smell burning.

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