. . . S U R V I V E . . .

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(Y/N) woke up the next morning it was still dark and saw the pie. Flowey warned her that it was poisoned so you just put it in you're inventory. When you finally got out of bed, it was sunrise, you think.

*What do you think we should do?

You asked Flowey he thought for a minute and said

*We have to leave, your not ENDING up like the OTHERS...

I gave him a worried look but picked him up and walked out of the room. You stopped in the hallway and set down Flowey who was just a root in your hands. You opened your inventory and took out the boot and I inspected it a bit it had holes in it so if he were to grow he would have room. You put the boot on the floor and told Flowey to get in it, he questioned your motive but after you telling him what you were thinking he got in.

*It's.... Comfy and durable, but that doesn't mean I like it!

You laughed and continued walking down the hall and met Toriel in the kitchen.

*Uh-m Toriel h-how would I leave he-here?

You asked her face filled with shock and she lowered her head and walked into the hallway and you followed and she went down stairs. You kept following.

*Child, I think you should go back upstairs...

She said as you both stopped and she walked on again deeper to the unknown.. You followed and she stopped again.

*Please... Child, go back upstairs and be good..

Your expression changed to worried and she clenched her fist and walked on. You debated whether or not to go back upstairs. She kept on walking.

*T-Toriel where are we g-going?

She just ignored you until she stopped at a red door indicating that it was your exit.

*I'm not gonna tell you again.. Go. Back. Upstairs. Child.

You were scared but you were filled with. Perseverance.. she looked back at you with a menacing look and she turned around.

*You have entered a battle!
The notification ring in your head.

*Toriel I don't w-want to fi-ight!

You have to change her mind she only summoned flames at her sides, you looked down at Flowey and placed him outside the fighting square.

*Wh-What are you do-ing!? She'll kill you!

*Don't kill and don't be killed Flowey..


You chose MERCY and Toriel looked at you with a mad and sad expression. She threw her flames at you, you had dodged most of them but go hit taking down 3 out of your 25 HP. You grabbed your chest in pain as you fell to the floor.


Flowey yelled at you and you looked back and smiled a small smile, you got up and chose MERCY again. She shot you an angry expression, shot all of her flames at you and you dodge all but seven lowering your HP to 1/15. You fell to the ground on your knees and coughed, while clutching your chest.

*C'mon! What are you on the ground for!? You wanted to FIGHT! Didn't you?!

She yelled at you as tears streamed down your face. She looked up and shot her flames, you flinched and looked away as the flames... Didn't hit you. You opened up your eyes as the flames where on either side of you.


Toriel fell to the ground in tears.


You chose MERCY and the battle ended.

*Plea-Please... Child, I beg of you.. Go back upstairs and I promise to take good care of you.. I know it's not much but-but I will make you happy!

She begged and you gave her a sympathetic look and walked up to her kneeled down an gave her a hug. Her body tensed, then she engulfed you in her arms. After awhile in silence she spoke.

*I've realized. Making you stay her against your will, will just make both of us miserable.. Are you sure you want to go out there?

She asked you pulling away from your hug and putting her hands on your shoulders.

*Yes Toriel, I want to go out there. But I promise to come back for you!

You said as she looked at you with hope and helped you up.

*Since you won't make it out there with such low HP I will heal you.

Toriel said as she took your hands and green mist surrounded you and your HP bar appeared and it filled up to 25/25. You thanked her an picked up Flowey thenheaded out the red door. As it closed you were greeted with snow. You hugged Flowey closely to your chest as you walked in the cold..

*We-we should hurry!

Said Flowey and you quickened your walking, you came across a log. You looked at Flowey.

*We wouldn't need it..


You said and stepped over it, you kept on walking and-
You quickly turned around... The log you had just passed was now broken. You stood there terrified. Your body trembled with fear.


Flowey said and you obeyed to only trip and fall. Your face hitting the ground and Flowey tumbling over you quickly got up and picked up Flowey as brushed off the all snow that covered the boot and his petals.

*Ahh! Clumsy much?!

Flowey screamed at you.

*I-I'm sorry!

You stuttered out what you could.

*... Whatever.. let's go..

You sped walked and saw a bridge. You could see your save point! You almost started running that us until someone appeared in front of you. An average height skeleton wearing a red sweater underneath his Jett black jacket with yellow stripes on the arm sleeves, he had on black ripped Jean's with red converse with black and yellow laces. You looked up at his face. He was fucking grinning showing off his white sharp teeth with one gold tooth and he had a glowing blood red eye that seemed to have pierced through your soul...


*Don't you know how to greet a new pal?

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