V I S I O N ?

953 26 10

I had given up on the drawing, trying to make it better. I flopped onto the black leather couch, with my favorite (F/C) fluffy blanket on it. I was just watching television when I closed my eyes.





I heard a chain fall to the ground.

I wasn't awake..
Where the hell am I?

*It's a shame, really.


*You puny confident humans, thinking you can defeat a monster? Pfft AhahahahaHaHAHaHahAHaHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!

Who was talking, they sounded familiar? I looked up and I saw long legs. Red gloves.

*Oh, no..

Black armor.

*Please don't..

A skeletal face.

*Not.. Sans...

*That's right...

*My 1 hp trash brother maybe easy to deal with. But..

*You took the wrong route...


*When you messed...

*I thought...


*I thought I was good enough...

The rattle of a chain.

The footsteps of boots.

What did I do wrong?

I looked up to the tall figure that loomed over me.

*Now, I'll treat you how you treated Undyne.

He had a chain in his right hand. I gripped the ground. It felt disgusting.


I lifted myself up and ultimately fell backwards onto my back. The air got knocked out of me.


I heard him laugh maniacally, I lifted myself up as I felt a burst of adrenaline run through my veins.

*Try and catch me.

I leaped to my feet dashed towards Papyrus. What was I doing? Wait.

Why am I no longer in control?

Papyrus lifted the chain to hit me but I dashed in between his legs. He turned on his heel an ran after me.

I ran upstairs and burst through as door, was I in a basement? I looked down at my feet, they were black. Like the mystery person. I looked back up and was met with the kitchen, I looked around. Then I turned around and was met with the Terribly Great Papyrus.

HorrorFell Sans x Suicidal Reader || No Longer ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now