Chapter 5

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Blood and Dates


"Repeat that please?" I asked Ella. I had to make sure I heard what I thought I heard.

"IsortamaybepossiblyhaveadatewithCarter" she said quickly running the words together.

"Hmm?" I asked again for the third time.

"I have a date with Carter at seven..." she finally told me.

I stood there. Carter. Eric's brother. Shiiiit. Eric was Carter. Goddamn. Carter was actually her mate, and Carter was Alex's best bud which meant. Fuck. Goddamn.

"Uhm... Mickey?" Ella's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Its cool, first we needa find something for you to wear!" I told her enthusiastically. I'll worry about Alex later.

"Okay!" She grinned.

6:00 pm

"And there you are! All ready for your date!" I cheered.

Ella stood in front of me; her fair skin was pink from her blushing. She wore a black sundress with stars going down the side and fraying at the bottom, then also her universe sneakers. Her hair was in a side braid with black ribbon laced through it. Casual but cute.

"So I'm going to wait with you until he shows up, okay?" I told her.

"Alrightttt," she said dramatically as we walked down the street towards the school.

"Scream as loud as you can if he tries to hurt you," I told her.

"You sound like my mom Mickey," she scolded me.

"I'm sorry, I'm worried," I mumbled.

"Well stop worrying, he is only a guy," she giggled as we came to a stop at the front of the school.

We stood and waited for awhile, 15 minutes passed and the town bell rang signaling it was finally 7. As if on queue Carter pulled up in a dark charcoal grey mustang, someone got out of the passenger side and my heart plummeted. I heard Ella gasp next to me.

Alex stood and held the door open and motioned for Ella to get in the car, she hesitated then got in. You could tell Alex was fuming.

Once Ella was in he shut the door and walked over to me, I went rigid all over. Carter drove off and when he was out of sight I started walking back to my house not even looking at Alex. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't make it that far, and I was proven right. I made it approximately 10ft before I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder sending sparks through my body. All I wanted to do was sink into him but I fought the feeling. Gently Alex turned me to face him; I cast my eyes on the ground not wanting to look at him.

"McKinley Hollow, look me in the eyes," he demanded.

"No." I said, closing my eyes. Hoping he'd disappear.

"Mic I am not going to disappear, look at me," he said. When I didn't budge he gently placed his finger below my chin and lifted my gaze. I couldn't help but open my eyes.

Pain, anger, love, passion, and forgiveness resided in his blue eyes. My heart tied itself into knots and pain of not being with my mate filled me. I glanced at his chest and saw my necklace; I growled and jerked away from him. I knew it was that ass who took it! I turned around and shifted, I didn't care who saw either, or if I just ruined my best outfit. I just wanted to run...

I took off faster then I've ever ran before and shot through the forest, everything was a blur around me and I didn't see Alex coming from my right side, until it was too late. He slammed into me and I stumbled and managed to twist my right front paw around. I yelped loudly in pain and sunk to the ground, pain seared throughout my body thanks to it. Alex stalked over and stood above me threateningly, his blood auburn coat glistened in the sliver of moonlight. He was stunning and I left him. Instead of being an ass and leaving he laid down gently next to me and started licking my ears, once I was Simi okay with him I started licking my paw to make it feel better. It won't heal quickly thanks to doing it in wolf form. I laid my head on my paws in defeat and Alex laid his head on mine and his chest grumbled in joy.

None of this would've happened if I had just went home... but if I would have I wouldn't have met Ella... I thought as I drifted into sleep.


Ella's POV

I hesitantly walked into the car when I see Alex. He was angry. No... He looked like he was about to explode. I got in the car and looked at Mickey one more time. The car escalated forward, making me jump a little.

Carter chuckled, "So.. You look lovely Ella.." He said. I blushed and looked at my hands in my lap. Not knowing what to say to his compliment.

"Uh.. T-thanks.." I stuttered shyly. He only chuckled once again due to my shyness. Which, in turn, made me blush even more.

"So um.. Where exactly are we going?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. he smiled at me, then looked back at the road.

"We, my dear, are going to a fancy restaurant. near the woods. I thought you might like it." He smiled again. I looked out the window, noticing how dark it had actually gotten. I looked deep in the forest. Something about them pulling me towards them... I couldn't put my finger on it though. I pushed the thought aside when we pulled up to a very fancy looking restaurant.

"Woah.." I breathed out. We go out of the car and I just stood in front of the building. Carter just laughed and put his hand on my mid-back. making me squeal and jump away from his touch. I looked at my feet feeling embarrassed. no boy ever really touched me before. in fact, I don't think any boy has even given me a second glance.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." he genuinely apologized. I giggle and walked up to the restaurant. Carter makes it before me and opens the door, allowing me to enter.

I giggled again, "thank you kind sir" giving him a smile I wait for him to walk in as well. when he does a waiter comes up to us,

"Hello sir, ma'am. Table for two? I assume?" The man questions. I look at Carter, and he simply nods to the guy.

We walk to a table seated near a window. With a perfect view of the oh-so-mysterious woods. I look out the window and just stare. until I hear someone clear their throat. I look to my side to see another waiter.

"What drinks can I get you?" He said. He looked as though he could just kill himself right here, right now. I'd feel the same if I were forced to be nice to people who were rude.

"Uhm..." I looked at the menu, "Some sweet tea, Please" I smiled at him. He looked down at me and smiled back. I happily looked at the menu, content I had made someone's day.

"And for you sir?" The waiters mood had changed from 'I'm going to kill myself' to 'this couple just made my night' ... Wait.. Did I just say.. 'Couple'? IT'S THE FIRST DATE! WHATS WRONG WITH ME!? Maybe.. I'm just... Crushing?

"I'll have some Lemonade, thank you" Carter smiled at the waiter, then to me. I looked out the window, the woods kept calling my name.. Like I was supposed to be in there.. Carter must have noticed me staring out the window a lot, and waved his hand in my face, snapping me out of the deadly trance.

"Ella? Are you ok?" He asked. Concern in his eyes and voice. I looked at him, then the woods.

I shake my head 'no' and get out of my seat and begin walking out the door. Carter is quick to leave a little note saying 'be right back' for the waiter.

He caught up to me by the time I was walking in the road. I was hypnotized by the woods. they were practically begging for me to go in. Carter walked beside me, giving a questioning glance. he tried to stop me, but I kept going.

Once the trance-like state was over, I shook my head. I looked around, finding myself deep in the woods... with a guy... all alone... this can't be good.

"Wh-why are we here?" I asked still curious to know how I got here.

"I don't know, you tell me. I was just following you. well, you looked like a zombie. you literally showed no emotion and just kept going further into the woods. I wasn't about to let you walk in all alone." he told me. I looked at him as if he'd grown two heads. At least he was kind enough to not let me get eaten by a wolf.

That's when the pain shot down my spine. I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. Carter was quick to be at my side.

"Ella! Are you ok!? You look like you're going to throw up!" He said. Worry laced through his words. I looked at his blurry figure and screamed when my body basically broke and erupted with pain.

Something is happening to me.. And something isn't right.. I need Mickey here...

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