Chapter Forty Two

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*Hoseok's POV*

Every night, I walk by Hope's room, only to hear her sobs.
It hurts me to see her like this. I've raised her since she was 7, she's 21 now, nothing was able to make her this upset except for when we were abandoned.

I should be like other brothers and think that I didn't raise her just to have her heart broken. But right now my sister and brother hearts are both broken. Taehyung isn't my biological brother but I am the oldest out of us seven I've already willingly taken the responsibility of them.

I don't know what to do.
I should tell her to move on but I believe that they should fight together because I can tell how much they love each other.

I keep Taehyung's little note on my bed side.

Hoseok hyung,

You have taken care of me since I was nine. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you. However, in return, I ended up breaking your sister's heart. I'm sorry. You have every right to despise me.
I love you hyung, thank you for everything you have done. I wish you the best.

Taehyung very obviously blames himself.

"How's he?" I ask Namjoon.
He was just on call with him, Yoongi and I sit in Yoongi's studio.
Namjoon and Yoongi agreed to help me with my rapping. Recently, I've been getting back into rapping and dancing although the last time I really did it was when I was thirteen.

Namjoon has told us that Taehyung has secret contact with him.

"Like before. Feeling bad and blaming himself," Namjoon sighs as he sits on the chair.

Yoongi and I shake our heads in concern.

"Hobi, I realized we never asked how you feel about all of this," Yoongi says to me.
"I care for Hope very much but I also care for Taehyung not much less. We've all grown up together, I can't bear to see either of them hurt like this. Of course, Hope being my sister, it really pains me to see her like this and I don't know what to do as her brother," I say.

"Ah, I understand you although Hope isn't my sister. We're the three oldest out of all of them, we are basically their brothers and we've watched them grow to the amazing people they are now, it really hurts to see Hope and Taehyung in pain like this," Yoongi says.

We all nod in agreement.

"How is Hope holding up?" Yoongi asks.
"She has gotten a little better from the looks of it, she's starting to go out a little more but I know she's broken inside. She counts the weeks and days since, today it's been twelve weeks exactly," I sigh.
"She has faith and hope," Namjoon nods.
"I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but at least it keeps her going.
"Everything will be okay, Hobi," Yoongi comforts.
I nod.

"Well, I guess I better get going. I should check on Hope," I stand up.
"Sounds good," Yoongi nods.

Suddenly, Namjoon gets a notification from his phone.
"Oh! Speaking of Tae, his new song came out!" Namjoon exclaims.
"Wow, nice! I'm sure Hope will be listening to it when I get home," I chuckle.
"Yeah, I guess it's a good thing she doesn't know V is Taehyung. At least she doesn't have to listen to music in pain," Namjoon points out.

True," I agree.

Once I return home, Seokyi is accompanying Hope.

"Hobi! Come join us, we're listening to V's new song!" Seokyi calls me over as I walk through the door.
I nod and join them.

We all circle around Hope's little speaker.

"~Like a blue parrot," it starts.
Wow. The beginning is so beautiful itself.

"~Imagine your face, say hello to me. Then all the bad days, they're nothing to me. With you, oh oh~"

I look over at Hope to see her with a small pout on her face.
"This song is so sweet," she says with a soft smile.

I'm glad Taehyung can still make Hope smile, without either of them realizing it.

Soon she takes her speaker and runs into her room as Jasmine calls.

Once her door closes, I speak up.
"That whole song was about Hope, wasn't it?"
"I think so," Seokyi nods.
"Not gonna lie that is really sweet. Tae must've been sad writing it, I can feel his emotions from it, but only those who know will feel it," I say.
"He misses Hope a lot," Seokyi adds.
"Yi, I don't know if I should say they are a match made in heaven or not. It seems like they always run into obstacles that are trying to pull them apart, but yet their love for each other is honestly unbreakable," I sigh.
"What their future is together is in their hands."

We will find out.
Tonight, before I head to bed I pass by Hope's room to see if she's okay. She tends to breakdown at night.

I hear Winter Bear being played from her speaker.

I peek open the door to find Hope sleeping soundly for the first time since Taehyung.
I smile at the sight of her sleeping comfortably even with a smile, while listening to Winter Bear.

"~Sleep like a winter bear"

Yes, sleep like a winter bear, always.

Thank you Taehyung.

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