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There are many messages and themes I tried to conveyed through this story. One of them being, never to judge anyone before knowing them. Hope disliked Taehyung due to his snobby presentation of himself. In the end she realizes there is a much different story behind the pretty face of his. Even though he presents himself like the perfect, rich boy, he had his own struggles that not many knew of.
Never judge anyone just by what you see, there is probably always going to be a different story that you don't know about.

Of course, another message is speaking for yourself. Taehyung always felt like he was stuck under his father's watch, everything he did had to meet his standards. He had little to no freedom to do what he truly loved. In the end, he stood up and spoke for himself by escaping the wedding to find Hope and make it right to her. He did what he did for what he loved, he spoke himself. 
I hope you all will too.

Author's message

I just wanted to thank everyone for the reads and support, I hope my story was enjoyable. I also wanted to give a special thanks to my friend __midna__ for being the person that helped me and encouraged me to start it. Also a thank you to another friend Shookiekookies , for reading and encouraging me all the time.
I love you all💜
I will have more stories in the near future, so if you like my writing, stay tuned!
Thank you so much again💜💜


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