Green eye monster

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She's in his arms again, but not as a dream this time. Her alarm rings and she knows she doesn't have much of a choice but to wake up. Can is still sleeping next to her so she gets out of the bed as quiet as possible.

Ten minutes later she's out of the bathroom all showered and dressed up, and all Can did was to roll over to her side of the bed and cuddle her pillow. She kisses his forehead softly and smiles when he purrs in his sleep.

She's about to open the door when Emre walk in the house like a thief. He stops and looks at her "shift change?"

Sanem laughs. "Just be quiet. Your brother is still sleeping. You had a good time huh?" She lowers his collar shirt to show him a hickey that's starting to form on his skin.

"Crap! How do I hide that now?" His hand is on his neck trying to cover it.

"I'll show you when I return. I'm running late right now, lover boy." And with that she closes the door leaving Emre smiling and cursing at the same time.

Two hours later Can wakes up. His hand is roaming his bed to find Sanem but he doesn't. He stands up, disorientated at first but when he sees that it's past noon he knows that she must have left hours ago.

His brother is in the kitchen preparing some kind of food, but he also smells coffee, so he heads straight to the source of the smell without saying good morning.

"Someone woke up to the wrong side of the bed today..." Emre jokes.

"I woke up Sanem-less. When did you return?"

"Right before your girl was storming out of the door because she was late."

Can hums something "I presume you had a good night." He motions with his head to his brother's hickey.

"Sanem promised me she'd show me how to cover it, don't say another word."

Can laughs as he walks towards the living room. "Okay, okay." He raises his hand as a sign of surrender "I have a meeting with the team later today. If you want to jump in..."

"Sure it would be a great opportunity to see them. Tell me when we are leaving."

* * * * * *

They walk in the stadium an hour and a half later. The cheerleaders are still practicing a new choreography, so the field is occupied. Since the rest of the team wasn't there yet, Emre and Can sit by the benches to wait for them. That is the official excuse. The unofficial is that he missed watching her perform her act. It's different during the games, he needs to be focused there, concentrated. Now he can simple enjoy the view.

She winks at him when she sees him and gets back to work. The passion, the flame, how her eyes shine doing what she loves the most.... He falls harder for her every time he sees that. He keeps smiling like an idiot in love that he is until his coach walks in, greeting everyone. The rest of the team is here, but the coach said they are waiting for one more person.

Indeed, two minutes later, a guy walks in the court. "Ah there he is. Team this is the newest addition to our team. Meet Kerem. We are his first professional gig so we explain everything in detail." He whispers towards them "Also he is the son of one of our sponsors, so be nice."

The introductions are being made with the entire team by the coach "And last but certainly not least, your captain, Can Divit."

"Pleasure to meet you Can." Kerem says as they shake hands.

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