Teil 27

156 4 1

OMG die neue AG ist echt cool. Wir bereiten den Weihnachtsgottesdienst für dieses Jahr vor. Aber nur die EF und die Q2.

∞Get on my level

∞I am small, but still important

∞Enjoy every Moment

∞All You need is love......Or more chocolate

∞Different, but best friends

∞Some people come in Your life as blessing. Other people come in Your life as lessons.

∞Never give up on something that You really want.

∞Never stop dreaming

∞Be the light that helps others to see

∞Be who You are. Not who the world wants You to be.

∞Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love tuly and never regret anything that made You smile (Mark Twain)

∞Some people are going to leave. But that's not the End of Your story. This is the end of their part in Your story.

∞You were born an original. Don't die a copy.

∞Last night I saw You in my dream. Now I can't wait to go to sleep

∞The human brain is awsome. It functions 24 hours a day from the day we are born and only stops when we are taking an exam or fell in love.

Ach ja .. Die Oberstufe ist doch irgendwie toll.Der Oberstufenraum, die Freistunden.... Aber trotzdem: Genießt die Zeit als Klassen. Glaubt mir: Ihr werdet sie ALLE vermissen.

Sprüche und Träume ∞∆★Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt