Neuntes Türchen★Weisheiten

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Dienstag. Heute habe ich Lebensweisheiten gefunden

★Don't just be another brick in the wall.

★Think a little less. Live a little more.

★Just be

★Be the change You want to see in the world (Mahatma Ghandi)

★Mach es für dich selber, weil es dich glücklich macht.

★Keep Your head up. Keep Your heart strong.

★Sei freundlich zu dir selbst. Du tust das Beste, was du kannst.

★Tue kleine Dinge mit großer Liebe

★When nothing goes right, go left

★Speak only when you are sure that your words are better than your silence

★be kind anyways

★Old friends are like old friends. You have to visit them from time to time

★It's not who you are that holds you back. It's who you think you're not

★In life as in a football game, the priniciple to follow is: "Hit the line hard"

★Stay positive. Be happy. Live free.

★Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.

★Carpe Diem (Nutze den Tag)

★Smile. Happy looks good on you.

★ Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect

★Never stop showing somone how much the mean to you.

★If you can't fly, than run. If you can't run, than walk.If you can't walk, than crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward (Marthin Luther King)

★Live the life you have imagined.

★Start everyday with a new hope. Leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.

★Don't worry. You'll make it.

★Don't give up what you want most for what you want now.

★Do not worry about tomorrow

★Enjoy every moment

★Life is too short to wait.

Sooo heute sind es ein paar Sprüche mehr geworden... Aber irgendwie passt das Thema gerade mega zu meiner Stimmung....

Sprüche und Träume ∞∆★Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt