Chapter 1

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    Stiffness and cold were the first things she registered as she began to awaken. Her body ached and her head pounded, she could only see the red of her eyelids not being able to force them open just yet. The next thing she was able to notice was a strange squelching sound along with the sound of someone chewing food. When she finally got her eyes open she was momentarily blinded by the bright light above her.

   She managed to force her stuff body into a sitting position on the thinly padded cot she was laying on. She saw an IV in her arm and glanced to where the sickening sound was coming from. She frowned when her blurred eyes caught sight of a person in a white lab coat kneeling over another person. Blood pooling around the two and the kneeling one was moving in an odd way.

   She tried to call out to the person, to ask where she was. She couldn't remember anything, she tried but everything but her first name, Scarlett, remained blank. All that came from her however was a soft wheeze as her throat and bought we're to dry, like she hadn't drank anything in weeks. The noise managed to catch the attention of the lab coat person causing them to pause.

  When he went back to doing whatever he was doing to the hurt person she tried to get off the cot. Her body was shaky and it was weak from lack of movement. She fell with a loud smack as her small, scantily clad body hit the hard marble tiled floor. A low groan sounded from the other side of the room.

  She looked over, horror filled her as the person in the lab coat turned, still in his crouch. The left side of his face, just below his eye, was missing the skin down over his cheek and jaw exposing bloodied teeth. The other side still had skin but it was streaked with dark blood from his eye socket currently missing his right eye. His teeth clicked together rapidly as he stood, his once white coat stained with blood. His arms outstretched, reaching towards her. She glanced to the other person and saw to her horror that the lab coat man had been eating away at their stomach.

  She scrambled to her feet, adrenaline surging as lab coat lunged closer forcing her to dash to the left near the only other door within the room. She felt a pull and realized that her IV was still attached to the metal pole. The next few moments went by in a blur as she pulled the pole to her and used it as a weapon. She only calmed and could think clearly once the lab coat man was laying unmoving by the bed, his face destroyed and the metal in her bloodied hands was twisted and bent. His dark congealing blood spreading over her feet as she slipped while backing into the corner near the second door.

Suddenly startled as the entrance door near the other person who still laid motionless, now she could see that his head had a scalpel through the eye socket, handle began to twist. She raised the mangled pole in defense as the door opened slowly, revealing a young man in what seemed to be a police uniform holding a gun. Catching sight of her blood soaked form and her clearly frightened eyes he lowered his gun putting his hands up to show he meant no harm as he stepped through the door closing it gently behind him.

   "Ma'am, I'm here to help you. Please put down your weapon." He spoke softly holstering the gun as she obeyed only to feel the tube of her IV pull a little. Frowning in irritation she pulled the needle out as gently as she could. The officer, having seen her do this, moved closer having picked up a small cotton ball out of a jar on his way and pressed it gently to her now bleeding arm.

  "I'm officer Leon Kennedy. Officer Branagh sent me to look for you. He said they'd placed you here when you'd been brought in with the remaining S.T.A.R.S members two months ago. Some doctors had been stationed with you since the chief wouldn't release you to the hospital by order of Umbrella and the government." He explained softly as moved around the room looking for something, carful to avoid the bodies. He found a black backpack in one of the cabinets along with some medical supplies which he placed into the pack on his hip.

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