Chapter 3

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"Chris, stop being irritating." The tiny woman with shoulder length black hair and deep green eyes hissed at the larger man with dark brown hair as he smiled down at her. He was leaving casually against Barry's desk, the older man watching the two with a teasing smile while another brunette woman laughed at the three of them.

"Sorry Letta, I didn't mean to break the thing." Chris said grinning down at the ravenette as she took the broken stapler from his large hands. His eyes flicked up to meet the other woman's as she rolled her eyes and placed an arm around the smaller woman's shoulders.

"You know you shouldn't have let him borrow it Scarlett. He broke the last one two." Jill said and Scarlett groaned in reply before shoving it back into Chris's hands.

"You get to buy another one and explain to the captain why instead of being stapled all the reports are going to be paper clipped." Scarlett said smirking when the smile dropped from Chris's face and both Barry and Jill laughed at his expense.

"Midnight there are still files on your desk." The deep baritone of a male sounded from the smaller office in the room making Scarlett curse softly, having forgotten that she needed to finish before she could leave.

"Oohhhh now you're in trouble Letta, Wesker doesn't like unfinished reports." Chris teased making Barry and Jill laugh once more as Scarlett rolled her eyes backing away to go into the small office she shared with the Captain.

"You would know wouldn't you Chris, seeing as how you never finish a report on time." She sassed back hearing a yell in protest from Chris as the others laughed harder while she ducked into the shared office.

Seeing Albert Wesker sitting behind his large wooden desk, his signature sunglasses perched on his head, messing up the style he'd had his pale blond hair in. She sat in the chair, her smaller deal in the corner by the door facing him. A small smile still played in her lips from the banter with the others as she picked up her pen and got to work, filling out the report in the recent case they'd closed.

"Are you going to be able to stay away for three weeks?" She glanced up at Wesker, he still had his own in his hand but his bright blue eyes were looking at her. Her heart skipped a beat before she found herself placing the pen back on the desk and sitting back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Will you be able to keep them in line and everything in working order alone for three weeks." She teased back with a smirk as the corners of his lips twitched, he didn't smile but he wanted to. She always had a way with her sarcasm and quick wit that amused him.

"I did just fine on my own before you came along Scarlett." He mused his eyes finding his papers again but was drawn back to the small black haired woman as she laughed, her green eyes twinkling with amusement at their light hearted banter.

"Barely, that's why Irons had to enlist me here, this rowdy bunch needed a little more authority." She joked running a hand through her bangs, even in uniform she was unable to get them to stay pinned back.

" Authority? You're just as bad as the rest of them!" He taunted back with a smirk as a small blush dusted her pale cheeks as she snorted and shook her head.

"Yeah yeah." She mused with a smile before they went back to their respective papers. The small interaction ending with his heart a bit heavier as he knew what would happen very soon. He wasn't sure he'd be able to see those green eyes this happy again. He quickly shook the thoughts away as he focused his determination steeling against his heart.

He was Albert Wesker, he didn't have time for feelings. Not if he wanted to achieve his goals, he wasn't supposed to get attached so he wouldn't. It wasn't part of his life, his plans. But he found himself glancing back to the small woman as the hours ticked by, bringing her departure closer and he sighed lightly knowing he was going to try to keep her from those hands who'd use her for experiments as long as he could.

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