Chapter 7

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As they went through the door Scarlett warned Leon quietly that the thing was still near by because she could feel it. She was trying to keep Ada from knowing she could sense the infected things but she was beginning to think that the woman knew more about her than Scarlett knew about herself because she hadn't questioned when Scarlett had healed and she was sure that despite her quietness she had likely heard Scarlett tell Leon what she felt.

When they went through a metal door they found the metal holding the tunnels up were bent badly and whatever had came through there was extremely large. As the three continued they came to a stone staircase leading down farther into the sewer system and Scarlett handed Leon some ammo she'd found on the top of a barrel.

"Again?" Leon said as more tremors and rocks fell around them when they went down the tunnel.

"It's not to late to turn back, Leon." Ada said condescendingly as the pushed past Scarlett to walk behind Leon. Scarlett rolled her eyes but let the woman do so and simply walked behind them quietly. She was trying to get a feel for whatever it was down there with them and wanted to see if she focused on something if she would be able to sort of track it.

So far she'd not had the chance or really the time to do anything other than survive so she wanted to see if the odd six sense had any other uses. She also thought back to what had happened with the monster underground with its large eye and wanted to know what the hell she'd done. She hadn't done it with the Tyrant but now that she thought about it the two monstrosities had different feels to her six sense.

The Tyrant had more of a pins and needles effect with a small cold feeling while the other thing was frigid, it could be that the other was stronger or more dangerous that the Tyrant but she really didn't want to find out. As they walked on she could still sense the thing down there but now that she was focusing on it she realized it didn't seem as harsh as the pinpricks that the Tyrant had, it was sort of like cold water on her skin or like the rain from outside.

Now that she thought about it the zombies hadn't really given her pins and needles, they were like a soft breeze brushing up against damp skin. The lickers had only been a bit cooler than they had and she wondered why the hell she could feel these things.

It was clear that Leon wasn't able to and that she had to be alert to feel the lesser ones like zombies. The more she focused on the thing down here she was able to almost feel how close it was but it was beginning to give her a headache. She was also beginning to think that this might be a product from whatever had been injected into her in that memory she'd had when she fell asleep.

"No chance, you're stuck with me to the end." Leon replied to Ada as they came to a larger opening with grated walkways and steam. Scarlett went to stop Leon from jumping down because she felt the thing really close but Ada grabbed her arm when she tried to pass her.

"What the hell?!" She hissed at the short haired woman yanking her arm out of her grip and started forward when Leon began talking and Ada knelt to answer him in Scarlett's way. Soon there was a loud thumping and it caused the ground to shake a bit and it threw off Scarlett's balance making her fall into the railing on the right side.

From her positing she saw a large alligator lunge from the darkness toward Leon who yelled out and took off running. She got to her feet and followed Ada down another corridor quickly. As they got to the open area Leon had led the animal too she saw him shoot a pipe and the explosion made her stumble.

"Chew on that... You overgrown son of a bitch." Leon said as he looked at the dead burning animal and the looked up at the two women and Ada lowered a ladder down for him to climb up.

"Overgrown son of a bitch huh?" Scarlett teased softly making Ada roll her eyes and Leon smile sheepishly before Ada took his attention and began talking. She chuckled lightly when Leon sassed Ada saying something about the virus turning people and reptiles. She followed behind them down a concrete corridor and into an elevator.

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