Chapter 13

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  Once they'd calmed themselves down enough they began to search the room once more. Jill opened a freezer drawer and got a sample they needed and went back to the lift. When they began walking back down the platform a few of the tanks shattered and released the reptiles, Jill informed her that they were called hunters so they had to kill those before making their way back to the door and up the stairs.

  They went up the other set of stairs they hadn't went up and entered a door. They found a file on the pale naked zombies known as pale heads, Scarlett rolled her eyes at that unoriginal name, and it talked about how they regenerated at a astonishing rare. Though it was noted they didn't regenerate as quickly as she did, and that there was supposed to be a weapon that could kill them quickly enough but they didn't have it.

  After reading that Jill messed with the machine and got another ingredient for the vaccine out of its storage with a little yellow crane. When they went to leave they found that the pale head from earlier was back up and it attacked Jill. Scarlett shot it a few times in the head with her shotgun making it fall again and handed Jill a herb mixture she had so the woman would heal faster as they went back to the vaccine making machine.

  After combining the two ingredients they'd gotten they put inside the machine and waited until it gave them a vial with a bright purple liquid, the same one Carlos had given Jill. They smiled at each other and headed to find a way out.  Unfortunately  about the time Scarlett felt something other than the infected they'd been dealing with a tentacle looking thing came from the ceiling and wrapped around Jill's throat after smacking Scarlett so she flew out the door and over the railing hitting the floor at the bottom.

  She laid there for a moment trying breathe when Jill was flung over the railing as well hitting the ground beside Scarlett. Once they were back in their feet they found a dead end so they had to crawl through the airduct at their feet in the wall. Scarlett went first because Jill made her. She felt the Nemesis on the other side but kept going and was grabbed by its tentacle around her neck and she drew her pistol from her right hip and fired at its head as Jill came through and did the same. She figured the way it look was do to mutation from damage.

  She couldn't warn Jill when she fired a bullet into a flammable gas tank making it explode, Nemesis getting blown one way while it let her go and the two women got thrown the other way. As they tried to get to their feet the tentacle wrapped around Jill's leg and began pulling her back toward the fire. Scarlett grabbed Jill's hands and began pulling her the other way until another tank exploded making it let go of her and they fell back. Getting up they ran to the lift at the end and hit the button as another tank exploded.

  The lift took them from the burning hall up into a room where they found a note for the disposal room they seemed to be about to head into. Scarlett gave Jill come ammo while reloading all of her guns before they went through the door.

  "What in gods name is this place." Jill said as they went through the door and found a large room with large tanks, probably filled with the acid solution. As they went down the stairs they heard the Nemesis crash through the wall and door they'd just come from.  It jumped into the stairs they were on breaking them sending both women flying, Jill grabbed onto the platform Scarlett landed on but Scarlett was to winded and pained to help her up while the vaccine rolled to her side.

  "Ooh. What do we have here." Nicholai said walking toward the two. He kicked Scarlett in the ribs so hard she hit the railing on one side.

  "Nicholai don't! The city needs that vaccine!" Jill yelled holding onto the platform as he bent down and picked it up and sneered down at her.

  "More than I do. Hmm. I don't think the wisdom I've been trying to impart on you is getting through." He said shaking the vaccine before stepping on Jill's left hand as she cried out in pain. Scarlett was trying to force herself up but couldn't as he talked and she gasped for breath. Blood leaking from the corner of her mouth, it seemed he'd broken one of her ribs and it punctured a lung. Her body was already correcting and healing it but it was very painful.

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