Chapter 10

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   She had gone a full block when she had to stop and look at the map. It seemed like she needed to go west for a few more streets and then head left on one of them. She was still tired from her earlier issue and it was already beginning to get lighter out so she worried she'd run into more zombies or what ever else roamed the streets of this silent city.

   She was by a river when she heard a loud roar and an explosion. She felt something powerful that way but also felt like someone was fighting whatever it was so she was going to try to help the person if they were still alive. She managed to get to a broken bridge over the river and climb up to get to the other side when she saw the cause of the noises. 

  A woman was on one side of a gate with a rather big monster laying on the ground on the opposite side. Scarlett began her climb down and hurried to the woman passing the monster. She was so focused on the woman that she didn't notice she could still feel it.

  "Hey wait!" She called out as she got into the tunnel with the woman. She turned and her eyes widened as Scarlett's head started to hurt and the name Jill flashed through her mind again.

  "Scarlett?!" Jill asked rushing to her but all of a sudden the monster rose and grabbed a hold of Jill's leg and began dragging her while Scarlett collapsed as her head pounded and black dots swam before her eyes. Her mind was trying to let a memory surface but the serum was working against it to keep her memories buried within her mind.

  She was forcing herself to stay upright and try to shoot at the monster but Jill was able to shoot the chain holding the gate up and drop it on the monster's arm making it cry out and drop again.

  "Scarlett!" She cried out seeing the darker haired woman drop her gun and clutch her head in pain. Jill had almost gotten to her when the monster slipped its new arm through the gate and stuck what looked to be a small spike into Jill's upper left arm making her cry out and fall back as whatever was inside her was now fighting her and making her sick. Scarlett managed to put her gun back and crawl over to Kill and yank the spike out as the woman coughed and lost consciousness.

  Scarlett's head hurt worse and her vision darkened as she collapsed next to Jill. She faintly heard Jill's walkie talkie go off but was unable to focus on it as her consciousness faded into black.

  "She's not ready for that!" Albert Wesker hissed into the phone. He was standing in the small cell that Scarlett was placed in after each injection arguing with someone. It wasn't really a cell, it was more like a sterile white room with a small bed on one side and a toilet and sink on the other side.

  Scarlett was curled into a ball her mattress with the thin blanket someone had given her when she had been tossed in this room. Even with it she couldn't get warm, it was like her body heat was being sucked out as soon as it was produced.

  "No. I do not authorize that. She needs to adjust to the new virus before she can be tested.... Good now that you've seen sense I'll be going. I have things to do." He said and hung up before the other person could reply and knelt next to her. He gently brushed back the silver tipped black hair from her now silver, red ringed, eyes.

  She just stared blankly at the wall behind him. She wasn't thinking of anything because her memories had just been erased but he was still looking at her as if she'd begin speaking. She never did after an injection, she rarely showed the fire she held in her spirit now. He wanted to see that again but he knew it would be a long time before she would ever begin to feel or act like a normal person again.

  "You still have a long way to go my dear but I know you'll pull through whatever we do to you. You are going to be the most powerful thing we've ever created. You will be out success and out future." He said before standing again and leaving her to rest before her next test.

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