Chapter 12

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  They decided to do a sweep through the hospital before going underground incase Carlos and Scarlett had missed anything important in their hurry to save Jill. Scarlett told Jill of a locker and a safe they hadn't had time to open. They also found a few locked suit cases that held mag ammo that Scarlett stored. It didn't take them long to open both the safe and locker and when they were going to leave the upper part of the hospital the saw that they could both fit through part of a barricade and found another window to drop down into the courtyard from.

They had also went to where doctor bard had been and Jill had mentioned someone named Nicholai. When they dropped down into the courtyard they found a weapons case that held a lightening hawk magnum for Jill to use. Scarlett gave the extra mag ammo she had to Jill and they went to the padlocked door. It led downstairs and through several walkways before they came to a large open area with an umbrella logo semi truck.

  "Must be the way underground. Want to see if there's anything of use before moving in?" Jill asked and Scarlett nodded so they split up to search the large area. Scarlett opened a few of the large cases to find more ammo for her guns and Jill's. She also found more bandages and first aid sprays so she pocketed them.

  "Ready to go Letta?" Jill asked when Scarlett met her at a lift. The use of the nickname Chris had called her in one of her memories made the woman smile. She knew she had been close to all the S.T.A.R.S members before she was taken and it made her happy that Jill still seemed to accept her even after she had informed Jill of her abilities when they had been searching the hospital.  She was also saddened by the fact that she didn't really remember everything she should have.

  "Hey, you'll get your memories back eventually Letta. Don't let what they did to you keep you from living." Jill said reading the look on Scarlett's face as the lift began to move. Jill began telling Scarlett that she knew she had been experimented on before hand because she had found a few data logs from when Scarlett had first gotten there. When Scarlett asked if Jill had found all of the information on what happened to her the woman shook her head sadly.

  She did tell her that whatever they had done was the cause of Scarlett's ability's which she had already figured. Jill told her that even if she was now somewhat super human it didn't change the fact that Jill loved her like a sister. That brought tears to the silver eyed woman and Jill hugged her again before the lift stopped.

   "How is it no one in the hospital ever noticed all of this?" Jill asked when they had lowered to another floor with trucks.

  "Money buys silence. Umbrella has a lot of money apparently." Scarlett replied and Jill agreed with a sigh.  Jill pulled a lever to lower another lift that they got onto.

  "When we get out of this city we're going to have to tell the others you're ok. We'll also have to find a way to keep Umbrella from finding out you made it out." Jill said softly as they raised to another platform. Scarlett nodded and then thought about how the government would take her and she paled realizing they would likely lock her up in some lab and stick her with needles and do tests.

  "Then we'll keep your escape secret, we'll hide you until Umbrella is taken down." Jill said confidently. Scarlett once again nodded but already knew she would be hunted by anyone who knew about her. She was going to have to go into hiding on her own once they escaped the city to ensure no one she had grown to care about or from her memories would be in danger.

  She kept that fact to herself because she already knew Jill would argue to stay with her and she didn't want the woman hurt because of her. She also glanced at the woman because she could still feel a small part if the virus inside her and figured that it was still taking time for the vaccine to eradicate it all. She knew it was possible that Jill would hold remnants of the T-virus in her cells for the rest of her life but she didn't want to upset the woman by telling her.

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