Chapter 5

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They ended up finding a car key to open a trunk after killing more of the dogs so Leon could get a stock for his Matilda to fire a three round burst. They then went to open the shutter Leon had found a crank to and found themselves in a new part of the station.

"I'll head to the dark room to develop this film if you want to go on." She said after that had went into an office with beds and a sink, she broke another one of those damn raccoon bobble toys behind a suit case.

"No, you stay here and rest. That dog hurt you pretty badly earlier and I know healing takes it out of you. Why don't you try to nap for at least 30 minutes while I look for what we need." He said placing a hand on her shoulder. She went to protest and say she'd be fine without resting but he didn't let up.

"Lock the door behind me, I'll knock three times when I come back if you don't come find me first." He said as he moved to the door. She felt uneasy about staying behind, it was one thing to split up if they were searching but it was another to sleep while he could potentially run into trouble. In the end she relented and slept for a little while.

She was laying on a cold metal table, her arms strapped down on small attachments to make them spread out. Her legs were also strapped down with a thick dark brown belt. She tried to pull her arms from the restraints, thrashing her body on the table making the belts dig into her wrists, shins and thighs harshly.

She stilled when the sound of a door sliding open interrupted her frantic movements. She could hear the sound of shoes lightly tapping on the bright white tiles of the floor. Soon a tall man with blond hair appeared on her left while a shorter man with slightly darker blond hair was on her right. The shorted one was in large contrast to the other, he was messy and erratic while the other was calm and cleanly dressed.

"She might not live if we.. "

"She's bonded with all the other viruses we've given her. Don't go soft now Birkin." The well put together one hissed in a deep voice at the other who flinched and took a strange colored syringe off a table somewhere on that side of the room.

"Who the he'll are you?! Why am I here? What's going on?" She asked in quick succession but received no reply from either man. The Taller one did however stroke her long hair and look at her with cold blue eyes. She felt a prick before a stinging liquid shot through her arm. Before she could ask anymore questions her body arched as fire seemed to flow through her veins. She gritted her teeth in pain but she knew this likely wasn't the first time she had been given something that made her feel like she was on fire.

"You'll be alright. You're quickly becoming the most spectacular subject we've ever seen." His deep voice broke through her panic as the pain became more intense. Soon she was screaming and violently thrashing against her bonds to no avail.

"You'll be the greatest thing they've ever created." His words were the last thing she headed before the pain drown out everything, even her own screams. The only thing she could think was why did she feel so betrayed by this man?

~End of dream~

Scarlett jerked awake, her body shooting upright in the bed she was laying on as the ghost of the pain she'd felt in the memory she'd just had was making her body tingle in an uncomfortable way. The faces she'd seen in it had been blurry at best so she wasn't sure if she knew either of them from her previous life before her disappearance.

She used the sink to splash cool water on her face and drink some of it before going into the office part of the room to look at the clock. She'd only slept for about 15 minutes but she knew she'd be unable to go back to sleep so she unlocked the door and set out to find Leon.

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