Chapter 2

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   She watched the injured man, his name Marvin had come to her but nothing else, as he stared at her in confusion and irritation.

  "How, how do you know me?" She asked softly and he looked at her in surprise. His brows furrowed before he sighed and sat back.

  "You are, well were a S.T.A.R.S member, right hand to Albert Wesker but you disappeared about two years ago when you were on your way here from the airport after a vacation. We all suspected you'd been taken and killed." He answered and she frowned as her head still pounded as it tried to remember but her memories refused to surface. 

  She focused on trying to force it but all she caught were snippets of people, their names popping up as she saw them and a large room filled with desks with a small office at the front and a wall of security monitors in the back. Each face had a name she knew. Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Brad and Albert. She groaned her head dropping into her hands in pain and frustration because she couldn't remember anything else.

   "I can, picture a room and faces and names but I don't know. I can't connect the dots I don't remember." She said almost pleadingly as she looked at Marvin. He looked at her with sorrow but she knew he couldn't help. He said she'd been missing for two years and he'd looked at her like she'd just popped up.

  "None of us knew you were the Jane doe brought in. The chief had said some of the umbrella workers were assigned to monitor and guard you so none of us were even aloud to look at your records. You got here about a month ago after the whole fiasco with the S.T.A.R.S team. They'd found you but they'd all been dismissed when they tried to say what happened at that mansion and who you were." He explained with a look of anger meaning someone hadn't wanted word to get out that she'd been found and the team had been labeled unfit for duty for apparently lying when it was clear they hadn't been.  The name umbrella made her uneasy, like how she felt when she'd seen the symbol on her shirt.

  "I don't remember much still, but one of the things I do remember is that Umbrella is not what they seem." She said lowly but was over looked when Marvin began telling Leon that his friend was locked out at the back gate. She listened to Marvin as he explained that they could get to the Woman Leon had called Claire by going upstairs through the waiting room. She followed him silently as they went into the room specified to see a large desk. Leon used the Spade key on the door there to open to a hallway.

  To the left was another set of boards and a closed shutter that they didn't have the crank for. They did however go into the art room in front of them. She found a small photo and managed to put the red book in the hand of the left arm and placed it on the statue. It's other arm turned and dropped a scepter which Leon picked up and managed to remove the jewel from the top and handed it to Scarlett who looked at it but ended up putting it into the pocket with the herbs. She also noticed a key card and picked it up before they left.

  "Well I found the key for the shot gun." She said passing it to Leon as they walked down the hall. Soon they heard a helicopter and hope filled the pair only for it to be taken away as the helicopter crashed into the building making it shake violently. Scarlett stumbled into the wall while Leon tried to grab her to steady the two. Once the shaking stopped they regained their balance and found that the way to the roof was now blocked by the downed helicopter. She looked away from the wreckage and picked up another green herb and crushed it into another foil before storing it in her pocket.

   They went the other way to the fire escape. He shined the light on the helicopter but they were soon distracted.

  "Hey! Leon!?" He ran to the bannister and saw the young woman. She follows him down to the closed gate trapping the other young woman out of the police station.

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