Chapter 9

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After catching their breath Leon helped her up and wrapped his arm around her waist so they could get moving to get to Ada. Scarlett was fighting the exhaustion which was why he was helping her walk. If they stopped for to long she'd pass out and they needed to be somewhere safe before she could do so or eat the last of the granola bars to regain energy.

When they finally got to Ada, Scarlett was able to walk on her own but she was stumbling and slow. As Leon helped Ada stand and used some of the bandages and one of the first aid sprays on her leg Scarlett swayed and found the couldn't focus on their conversation.

Ada led them to the train car they had seen earlier, Scarlett following the two slowly and only focusing on staying awake.

"Here. Sleep and I'll wake you when we get to the labs." Leon said as he guided Scarlett to lay on the bench across from where Ada sat. She wanted to protest and say she was fine but she was quickly pulled into the darkness of sleep as the train car began to move.

When she woke she was no longer in any pain but she was groggy, her limbs still felt heavy and her mind was sluggish. She noted that Leon was as far away from Ada as he could be on the little bench they were on and she was just watching him with a frown.

Scarlett took in how the woman looked without the coat and sunglasses on. She was pretty and taller than Scarlett, even if Scarlett's heeled boots were taller, her dark eyes were filled with irritation as she looked at the male next to her. She wore a tight red dress with torn black stockings and heels.

It was only when Scarlett tried to sit up and almost falling from the bench she rested on that the two found she was awake. Leon moved to her side and helped her sit before sitting next to her and checking her leg to find it had finished healing at some point. He also handed her the shotgun she had thrown down during their battle and told her he reloaded it with some ammo he'd found in the train car.

"How long was I out?" She asked when they were still silent. Ada was watching her and now that Scarlett could see her eyes she was able to see that Ada seemed familiar. She couldn't place why the woman seemed to be someone she had seen before and she knew her unreliable memory wasn't going to give her the answer she needed.

"How's your leg?" She asked and Ada glanced down at her thigh before looking at Scarlett's leg, her pants ripped to it showed a slip of skin from the side of her calf near the middle of it to just above her ankle.

"I could ask the same for you. You look like you should have a deep wound but there's nothing there." Ada replied, her tone off and she watched Scarlett blankly. Her eyes however showed she knew more than she was letting on. Thus furthered Scarlett's distrust of the woman but wasn't going to say anything. She would just watch Ada closely to make sure she wasn't going to cause Leon and herself problems.

Leon had to grab Scarlett, breaking her from the staring contest between the two women, when the car came to a stop and she almost toppled off the bench. A robotic voice announced that they were arriving at the lab, named nest.

"We don't have much time." Ada said as she took a bracelet off and placed it on Leon's wrist when he went to make sure she was ok. Scarlett got to her feet, she was still exhausted but was now able to walk without stumbling. She had slipped the shotgun in its holster along her spine with some difficulty from wearing two jackets.

"Leon I'm counting on you." Ada said as the pair went to the door. He turned back and nodded to her before turning to Scarlett with a worried frown. She raised a brow and he paused for a moment, she rolled her eyes when Ada huffed because they hadn't left yet.

"You should stay here and get some more rest." He said trying to get Scarlett to stay. She crossed her arms and shook her head, moving past him out the train cars door and down the stairs to the large door into the labs not giving Leon a chance to argue with her. She could hear him sigh before he met her at the door and triggered it to open. She glanced back at the train car but followed Leon inside ignoring the fact that Ada had stood and was watching them from the glass at the front.

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