Chapter 11

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  "" Carlos asked softly as he was still in shock of watching a woman who was by all rights supposed to be dead breath deeply and stand on shaking legs.

  "Honestly I don't know. But I do know that Umbrella is the cause of this and there are a few other things you need to know if we're going to save Jill." Scarlett said in a raspy voice that was already going normal rapidly. Carlos stood and shook himself, if the dead can walk and monsters created this shouldn't bother him.

  Scarlett quickly explained that she could heal rapidly, she couldn't control it though and it took a lot of energy out of her. She also told him of her ability to sense the infected, that for some reason she could feel something that held a virus inside it. She left out her ability to control them in dire situations because she honestly didn't understand it. She explained that she had been experimented on by Umbrellas scientists and that she didn't remember her past or anything before waking up the night before.  She told him she had found out she was a S.T.A.R.S alpha team member and that she was supposed to know Jill pretty well.

  She told him that all she knew about what was done to her was that she was injected with a memory erasing serum and at least one virus. She watched quietly as he processed what she told him before he gave her a weak smile.

  "Well now I know supercop and wonderwoman" He joked making her sigh in relief, he could tell she had been worried he would attack her or call her crazy but he said that if the dead can walk than it was more than possible she could exist. He also saw that she was exhausted so he walked slower to let her not feel like she was burdening him even if it didn't help.

  She noted that the reptile had an outer shell they had to get through before they could kill it by shooting the soft flesh beneath. She was thankful that she had been quick enough to save Carlos and that he'd been able to kill the thing. He led her back to the room with all the shelves and had her sit in the couch there. He noted she was still pale and seemed to waver as she tried to stay awake.

  "Food helps, it restores my energy. Do you have anything?" She asked rubbing her bloodied hands down her face in and attempt to keep herself awake and grimaced when she felt her blood transfer to her face making it sticky. Carlos sat beside her and handed her a protein bar from one of his packs. She ate it quickly and he produced a full water bottle from one as well and a cloth he'd found on a desk. He poured a bit of the water on the cloth and began wiping the blood from her face.

  She drank deeply from the bottle he handed her before handing it back and taking the bloodied cloth from him and wiping off her hands and her jacket. She nodded in thanks and stood. He gave her a questioning look since she didn't look any better even with the blood gone.

  "We don't have time for me to recover or rest. Jill needs the vaccine." She said moving to the door. Carlos hesitated but eventually gave in knowing he wasn't going to get her to back down or stay while he took care of it. They went back out into the darkened hall and went to the room where they could use the keycard. Once they had opened that door they found themselves in another dark hall with glass in both sides. There were regular windows to the left and windows that showed a room on the right.

  "Careful there are more of those reptile things inside that room. I can feel at least two." Scarlett said lowly when they tried to see into the room but due to how dark it was their flashlights didn't let them see inside. She had him slow so that she could sense if there was anything in the room in front of them and she felt two zombies, luckily she had learned to differentiate between the feel of each monster and warned him there were two zombies ahead.

  They opened the door and she slide her knife into the female zombies head because she was right by the door while Carlos dodged the male as he went to grab him. Carlos punched it so it fell and stomped on its head twice before the skull broke.

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