Chapter 1

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Many people believe that the greek gods and goddesses are all stories and myths. I am here to tell you that they are not myths.

My name is Aubree Ares. My parents are Aphrodite and Ares and yes, I am the goddess of Miracles, Strength, Medicine, and Battle, Victory.

On Mount Olympus, I study under other gods and goddesses. I study under my father and his way of war but I also study under my Aunt Athena. She felt that I should also learn the strategy of war so I have a balance. I study with Apollo who teaches me music and art. Hermes has taught me to get in and out of the underworld and teach me some of the mortal sports.

Other days I study with Artemis. She teaches me about wildlife and how important it is to the mortals and their survival. She even taught me about the race she created called werewolves. They are half-human and half-wolf. They worship her.

I have worked with Demeter. Persephone is my best friend and one of the many reasons Hades and I are close. Persephone and I are a duo. We create havoc on Olympus and the Underworld. Which our parents, Hades, and Zeus hate.

When Poseidon comes to visit he tells me stories of the ocean. I love hearing the stories and I can't get enough of them. He also taught me how to ride a horse! Uncle Poseidon has all these adventures.

I am also pretty close to Zeus, Hades, and Hera. I feel comfortable coming to them when something goes wrong. My parents seem to think that despite them being flawed that I need to live up to their expectations and not follow their examples.

Learning from all the gods and goddesses has its advantages. Yes, the knowledge is important but if you prove yourself Zeus will grant you more authority and responsibility.

Which is why I am standing in front of them in Mount Olympus throne room. My father's anger is unparalleled and my mother well she is almost just as furious. I could see my father's eyes turn to a deep blood red. My mother's eyes turned a deep violet. I knew I was in a lot of trouble.

Here let me catch you up.

I woke up this morning with warm sunshine on my face. I jumped out of bed and headed into my bathroom. I showered and dried my hair. I pulled on a floor-length red goddess tunic. I decided to honor my father. Children who live on Mount Olympus wear their parents set colors. White for formal reasons, pink and red for everyday wear. Yeah, I know lame.

I hurried down to the dining hall where I saw my best friends Persephone goddess of Spring and Charity, Brea goddess of Hope, and Glory, Kheaos god of Medicine and Honor, Zylena the goddess of Military, Tricks, and Chaos, and last but certainly never least Zondis god of Destiny, Conquest, and Vengeance.

"Morning," I say taking a seat and start putting food on my plate. They all smile at me. "You seem to be in a good mood," I smirk as I put a croissant in my mouth and take a bite. I raise an eyebrow at my friends. "I am in the mood to have some fun."

We all got up and headed towards the stables. I had a fun idea of releasing all of the pegasuses. Fun fact about pegasuses is they love to fly and do not like being controlled.

I knew that my parents were in some kind of council today so I knew they wouldn't be around to stop us. When we got to the stables Zylena walked over to one of the care keepers and did her thing. We rely on her when we are trying to get away with things.

I snuck into the stables with Persephone and Brea and unlocked all of their gates. While the guys stood guard to make sure no one was coming. In a matter of two minutes, they were all out causing chaos throughout Olympus.

We quickly all retreated inside and sat in our sitting area waiting to hear the chaos. We waited a good 10 minutes before we heard a large thunder crack. Usually, Zeus thinks our practical jokes are just that.

We exchanged looks. Hermes comes into our sitting area. "All of you are to go to the throne room. We are not happy with you guys. Good luck Aubree." He says giving me a sad look.

We all filed into the throne room and I looked around to see my mom and dad. The way the looked at me I swear I would be buried alive in the depths of the underworld.

Each of my friends was picked off by their parents. Which brings us back to me standing in front of my parents. They scared me a little with how angry they were. They were just flying ponies.

"I have had enough Aubree!" my father stormed. "You have got to learn your lesson and become mature and take more responsibility!" He said. I could see the war in his eyes.

"Daddy come on! It was just flying ponies!" that was when my mother interjected.

"This is not the first time this has happened! What about the time when you destroyed the throne room by stealing Hephaestus' fire and taking a bow and arrow and after you shot it landing in this very room!" I rolled my eyes. Yes, I have a history of being a trouble maker. I mean have you met my father?

"Okay, It was one time and it was a stray arrow! I wasn't even aiming for the throne room!"

"I have had enough of your attitude Aubree!" I have never heard my father yell at me in that much anger. If I wasn't a goddess I would be dead.

"Ares, please." my mother said. She placed a hand on his shoulder trying to help him calm down.

"I hate to do this Princess. You are officially grounded." My mouth dropped open. "I'm grounded! Like, live with mortals! You can't do this!" I felt my world spinning.

"I can because I am your father." my father said looking at me like he could start World War 3.

"This is for your own good Aubree." my mother says. I can't believe this is happening.

"We already have your house ready, cars, and clothes set up." I jumped in. "Wait. You have everything set up!" My parents exchanged looks. "We had your house built and everything after your last escapade."

"Oh, my gods," I say. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. "You leave in 30 minutes."

I turn my back on my parents and stormed out of the throne room and made my way to the sitting room and grabbed a glass and filled it with wine. My friends walk in complaining about their punishments from their parents. When they saw me they came to a complete halt. They know my parents especially my father can be harsh.

"What happened?" Persephone asked. I sighed.

"They grounded me."

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