Chapter 19

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It feels like forever since I was kidnapped. I am still locked in the same cell. They take me out when they want to have some playtime. I have cuts and bruises everywhere. I barely get any food and I am weak. It is what they wanted. I learned to panic every time someone enters this dark space. When they have parties they use me as a slave and when they are bored they take me out and torture me. Apparently my screams please Kronos. He is such an ass.

I have been praying to the gods for help, but I feel like my pleas have not been heard. I have been in this cell for so long I lost count of the days and whether it was day or night.

I heard the door open once more and I felt fear strike my heart. The man rogue leader came into the room. His name is Charles Ekker. He is the worst of all of them. For the most part, it's just Caleb, Vanessa, and Nico. I know that if I see Charles I am in for a nightmare within my nightmare.

"Well, there is my goddess. Your little mate bit into one of my wolves pretty bad so I need you to work your goddess magic and heal him."

I shook my head no. That was a mistake. He grabbed me and forced me out of my cell. He pinned me to the wall by my neck. He hit me and put a knife to play with. Then I took another blow by falling down the knife cut me. I screamed in pain. After that, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and fear coursed through my body. I could feel my hands start shaking.

When I saw my father barge through the door to my prison I felt relief rush over me. He unchained me. I held onto him close and his grip on me tightened. I can't remember if words were exchanged. When we poofed out of my prison and onto the outskirts of Bentley's territory I was exhausted, terrified, in pain, and a part of me was begging to be in Bentley's arms again.

I now understand what it feels to be truly scared for my life. Yes, I am a goddess and I am immortal but scary none the less. I felt my father sit down in the family room of the packhouse. I could tell everyone else around us felt the power seeping off my father made them cower. Even Bentley was hesitating. My father's anger is legendary in the Greek myths. Although they don't know my father is a god.

My father kissed my head and whispered encouraging words. "I love you, Aubree. You are safe. Nothing can touch you here. Bentley and I would never allow it." I looked up at him and I knew I was going to be okay.

I looked over at Bentley. He looked terrible. It looked like he hadn't slept in days. I jumped up from my father's lap and into Bentley's awaiting arms.

When I got into his arms he pulled me into him so tight. He sniffed my neck like he always did when he needed to calm himself and his wolf.

"I love you, Aubree. Thank the Moon Goddess you are safe. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." I kissed him roughly.

"I love you more Ben," I said hugging him tightly. I gave my father a warning look. He looked like he was going to say 'The Moon Goddess had nothing to do with finding my daughter.' He sighed in understanding.

I walked my father to the back door. "If you need me I am not far away." I nodded hugging my father. "I love you, Daddy. Thank you for saving me." He hugged me back and kissed my head. "You are my daughter and I will always protect you." With that, he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

I walked back into the house and walked straight to Bentley. I wanted him to hold me and never let go. He kissed me over and over. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He kept saying to me.

"Is it true! Where is my sister!" I hear Adriano yell walking to the room. Bentley set me down and I run over to Adriano. He pulled me into him and hugged me.

"You scared the hell out of me!" He said. He looked over me and noticed I was bloody and bruised. He shook his head. "You're going to be okay. Why don't you go lay down and I will see you later." I nodded.

He kissed my head then headed out the front door. I heard feet scrambling down the stairs. Grace, Giselle, Lissa, and Maya stop when they see me. They run over to me and pull me into a group hug. "Thank the Moon Goddess your okay! We were so worried about you." I just let them hug me.

Grace looked at me and sighed. "If you want to talk about it..." I shook my head. "No. I do not want to talk about it." I said interrupting and saying in a matter of factly way.

She nodded and hugged me one more time.

"Okay. I am going to take Aubree upstairs and get her cleaned up. You guys can see her tomorrow." Bentley said. He picked me up again and headed up the stairs.

"Bentley, you do realize I can walk right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I do realize this Aubree but my wolf and I need to keep you close we were going crazy. It was hard trying to find you. Whenever we found the compound and got close it disappeared and moved. We were running and traveling all over the place." I sighed and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry. I am safe and in your arms." He nodded. When we got to our room he walked into the bathroom and sat me down on the counter.

He started the bath and put all of my favorite salts, oils, and bubbles. He helped out of my ripped and blood-stained clothes and placed me gently into the bathtub and let me tell you it felt amazing.

He grabbed my shampoo, conditioner, and some soap. He rinsed my hair with the head that is connected to the tub. He washed my hair and put conditioner on it. He scrubbed my legs, arms, and body. He then rinsed out my conditioner and kissed my head. I am guessing he is doing all of this so his wolf can relax.

He helped me out of the bathtub and wrapped a warm fuzzy lilac-colored towel around me. "Come on. Let's get your pajama's on. I'll have dinner brought up to us." I nodded. I was glad that we were going to have dinner in our room. I am exhausted and I just wanted to lay down with Bentley.

He helped me into my pajamas and placed me on the bed. I went under the covers and laid down. He hung up my towels and brought over my detangler and my hair comb. I sat up and he started brushing my long tangled hair.

Once he was done he set the detangler and comb down and pulled me into him. It was only seconds that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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